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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Defeated Cuauhtemoc, the Aztec Emperor and obtained Lightbringer, swor...
Location:    Colony of Nueva Granada
Area Level:  33

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):    10
Average level of players who complete it:  37

This quest is for GOOD aligned players.

The emperor of the Aztecs, lord of their only remaining walled
settlement, is one of the most secretive monarchs of our day,
especially considering the scope of the still expansive Aztec
holdings. He rarely emerges from his palace, even on the highest holy
days of the Aztec calendar. Rumors of a Royal Curse, strange beasts
and dark magic circulate through the superstitious Aztec peasants.
Perhaps they are simply stories planted to deter assassins. Or
perhaps the truth is more terrifying than the people of the Aztec
Empire know...

Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 35 Delivered a letter to Bandera Azul 36 Discovered Don Milano's hoarded treasure and obtained Lig... 37 Searched for the brass clawed handle of Don Milano 38 Retrieved the Tome of Memories from the ruins underneath ... 38 Retrieved a hardened copper weapon 38 Slew the demonic patron of the White Sands Abbey 38 Returned Raquel Orinoco to Don Milano 39 Retrieved an obsidian idol from the Temple of Magar 39 Broke the siege of Xochitl 39 Destroyed the evil influence corrupting the primates of K... 39 Thwarted an assassination plot against Don Milano 40 Obtained a gold spirit tablet of Aleph for Don Milano 40 Obtained a black pearl necklace for Don Milano 40 Recovered an acid etched adamantium katana from the Jade ... 40 Recovered the golden chainmail tunic for Don Milano 40 Acquired a silver-paged book from the Disused Fane of the... 40 Rescued the Granadan captives from the Temple of Creation 40 Defeated the machinations of the Third Sun cult and their... 40 Retrieved the Lyre of Building from the necropolis of Q'm... 40 Recovered a dwarven gun artifact from Mt. Sartus 40 Recovered the Book of the Dead from King Tut for Don Milano 40 Recovered the legendary greatsword for Don Milano 40 Retreived a red marble altar from the Swamps of Sorrow 40 Stormed the realm of Mictlantecuhtli and terminated his e... 40 Helped the village of Xochitl gain independence from the ... 40 Recovered stolen property from the thief-king Ali Baba 40 Attained the fabled El Dorado from the realm of Huitzilop... 40 Recovered the Seven Silver Maces of the ancient Quelese 42 Recovered the idol of Draak from Lux, the great red wyrm. 47 Gathered adamantium for a transmutation experiment. 47 Gathered raw ziff for a transmutation experiment. 47 Gathered raw orichalcum for a transmutation experiment.

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