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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Ate the kitten.
Location:    Village of Bandera Azul
Area Level:  11

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     7
Average level of players who complete it:  27

This quest is for EVIL aligned players.

Some deeds are too foul to contemplate. Some dastardly acts transcend the
bounds of good so far as to forever leave their mark upon the perpetrator.
Nothing short of a mortal fiend would consider such despicable crimes, though
it seems there is no shortage of evil in this benighted world.

Related and nearby quests on The Island of Sloe

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 10 good Returned a lost child to his mother 10 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget. 11 Defeated a lesser pit fiend 11 Did not eat the kitten.

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