Alter Aeon Quests
Quest Name: Qualified as a fully certified Atlantis Librarian
Location: The Atlantis Library
Area Level: 37
Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9): 9
Average level of players who complete it: 41
To become a fully qualified Atlantis librarian, there is a comprehensive
training programme that must first be completed.
Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir
Level Align Name
40 Tracked down some misplaced books in the Atlantis library
40 Repaired a damaged library book
41 Slayed Shanika the flame dracorpion
41 Collected some overdue library books
41 Acquired some specific books for the Atlantis library
41 Discovered the true history of Atlantis and saved the city
This page has been referenced 1602 times since last boot.