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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Put an end to Drat the Cheat's crooked ways.
Location:    Town of Brodin
Area Level:  34

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     5
Average level of players who complete it:  38

It is believed that a shopkeeper in the Town of Broden is corrupt.

Investigate and put an end to his possibly criminal ways.

Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 38 Stole a bottle of root beer from a temple of Vember for a... 38 Slew a giant squid and retrieved its ink sac. 38 Gathered the ingredients necessary to create a poultice t... 39 Helped the town of Brodin unclog the nearby pollution lake.

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