Alter Aeon Quests
Quest Name: Obtained the mighty Quadrazor.
Location: The Emerald City
Area Level: 43
Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9): 9
Average level of players who complete it: 10
This legendary weapon was forged long ago by the twelve most skilled
blacksmiths of these lands. Its sole purpose is to help in ridding the world
of dragons. It is said that the jade dragon defeated its wielder and broke
the weapon into several pieces and hid the pieces throughout the world.
Related and nearby quests on The Continent of Ramanek
Level Align Name
33 Sold the crown to Shift, cause I needed the gold!
36 Crowned Prism the King of Emerald City.
38 Found the crown.
38 Killed Tarrant, forfeiting any chance of doing his quest.
38 Crowned Tarrant the Overlord of Emerald City.
38 Crowned Alleira the Queen of Emerald City.
38 Crowned Smith the Emperor of Emerald City.
39 has mastered the art of assassination.
46 Raided the wasteland for items an alchemist needed.
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