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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador.
Location:    The Holy Grove
Area Level:  13

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     1
Average level of players who complete it:  15

Northeast of Indira is a valley dominated by the petrified remains of
Ancalador. Within the bowels of the dragon, a cult dedicated to the worship
of death is growing. The druids of the nearby grove are concerned about the
threat, and it is rumored their Hierophant is looking for assistance in
driving the cult out of the area.

Related and nearby quests on The Island of Kordan

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 14 Reported to the Hierophant. 16 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the... 17 Broke the curse on the Haunted Highway

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