Alter Aeon Quests
Quest Name: Assassinated Sevilo Takar so he cannot raise support for his father.
Location: The Takari Trade Road, eastern Dunn Hurr
Area Level: 39
Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9): 8
Average level of players who complete it: 41
The Siege of Takar has put the future of Duchy of Takar in jeopardy. Rumor
has it that early during the Siege, the Duke hid away members of his family
in scattered Dunn Hurr settlements. The Naginag Combine most certainly
wants them dead.
Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir
Level Align Name
36 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus
40 Slew the undead sea dragon.
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