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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Returned a part finished text book to its author
Location:    The Atlantis Academy
Area Level:  37

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     9
Average level of players who complete it:  40

Fredilos, the porter of the Atlantis academy, has received a complaint from
one of the professors that a text book they were writing has been stolen.
Seek out the porter for more information and to see if you can help him
recover it. 

Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 37 Enrolled in the joint Atlantis Airam research program 40 Backed the winner at the Atlantis academy athletics stadium 40 Recovered the statue of a forgotten king 40 Set the Atlantis academy mascot loose on the college grou... 40 Recovered a missing item after a fraternity prank 41 Completed the kings dash in Atlantis 41 Became a member of the Delta Sigma fraternity 42 Became a senior researcher at the Atlantis academy

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