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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Became a member of the Delta Sigma fraternity
Location:    The Atlantis Academy
Area Level:  37

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     9
Average level of players who complete it:  41

The Delta Sigma fraternity is one of the most exclusive and prestigious
fraternities at the Atlantis academy. In order to be considered for
membership you must first complete a number of challenges. Seek out Kaimon
in the main academy building for more information. 

Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 37 Enrolled in the joint Atlantis Airam research program 40 Returned a part finished text book to its author 40 Recovered a missing item after a fraternity prank 40 Set the Atlantis academy mascot loose on the college grou... 40 Recovered the statue of a forgotten king 40 Backed the winner at the Atlantis academy athletics stadium 41 Completed the kings dash in Atlantis 42 Became a senior researcher at the Atlantis academy

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