demon horns mascot
Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Temple Donation Room ('list' to see items)
Location:    The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [      0] (tot 109) an azure chapeau
   [      0] (lvl  31) the crown of the gith
   [      0] (tot 114) the mithril crown of protection
   [      0] (tot 116) a nightmarish helmet
   [      0] (lvl  32) silver filigree earrings
   [      0] (tot 117) a ruby-studded iron diadem
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine issue studded leather helm
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine issue glazed leather helmet
   [      0] (lvl  32) a platinum crown
   [      0] (tot 121) a falcon-crested great helm
   [      0] (tot 121) a winged helmet
   [      0] (tot 121) a floral themed headband
   [      0] (lvl  33) a darkwood helm
   [      0] (lvl  33) a white warlock cowl
   [      0] (lvl  33) a blue spirit mask
   [      0] (lvl  33) the crown of King Elsdrasael
   [      0] (tot 124) mirror stone earplugs
   [      0] (tot 124) a blood-stained steel crown
   [      0] (tot 126) a gleaming sunstone helm
   [      0] (tot 128) a fibrous husk
   [      0] (lvl  34) a mask of disguise
   [      0] (lvl  34) a blue padded helmet
   [      0] (lvl  35) a black plate helm
   [      0] (lvl  35) a griffin helmet
   [      0] (lvl  35) an ion stone
   [      0] (lvl  36) a steel bullet helm
   [      0] (lvl  36) a horned orc warhelm
   [      0] (lvl  37) a protective helmet
   [      0] (lvl  37) a silver zanni mask
   [      0] (lvl  37) a pair of scholarly spectacles
   [      0] (lvl  37) a horned silver mask
   [      0] (lvl  37) a tricon cap festooned with ribbons
   [      0] (lvl  37) a pair of brass goggles with crystal lenses
   [      0] (lvl  37) a serpent crest helmet
   [      0] (tot 148) a pointed saffron cap
   [      0] (tot 150) a thunderbird headdress
   [      0] (lvl  38) a woven silver cord
   [      0] (lvl  38) a grass sedge hat
   [      0] (lvl  38) a tanuki fur cap
   [      0] (lvl  38) an amber-lensed welding mask
   [      0] (lvl  38) an ancient hanburi
   [      0] (lvl  38) a silver nosering
   [      0] (lvl  38) a tattered leather helmet
   [      0] (lvl  39) a black crimson edged mask
   [      0] (lvl  39) a runed engraved helmet
   [      0] (tot 163) a beatific mask
   [      0] (tot 178) a hematium spiked helm

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [      0] (lvl  27) an emerald charm
   [      0] (lvl  29) a hooded, crimson robe
   [      0] (lvl  31) a dark cloak
   [      0] (lvl  31) a moss agate amulet
   [      0] (lvl  31) a butted mail coif
   [      0] (lvl  31) a butted mail mantle
   [      0] (tot 112) a red Christmas scarf
   [      0] (tot 114) a fine gold chain
   [      0] (tot 115) a strand of iolite beads
   [      0] (tot 115) a diamond brooch attached to a gold chain
   [      0] (lvl  32) a humanoid hide cloak
   [      0] (lvl  32) a faceted geometric necklace
   [      0] (lvl  32) a double sapphire teardrop necklace
   [      0] (lvl  32) a butterfly pearl necklace
   [      0] (lvl  32) an obsidian hawk charm
   [      0] (lvl  32) a bronze mail coif
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine issue studded leather mantle
   [      0] (tot 121) a heart medallion
   [      0] (tot 121) the ankh of life
   [      0] (lvl  33) an insubstantial amulet
   [      0] (lvl  33) a disturbingly dark cloak
   [      0] (lvl  33) a steel gorget
   [      0] (lvl  33) a tattered black cape
   [      0] (tot 125) an aluminum collar
   [      0] (lvl  34) a ruby amulet
   [      0] (tot 129) a black spiky collar
   [      0] (tot 133) an orichalcum collar
   [      0] (lvl  35) a garnet ogre-bone amulet
   [      0] (lvl  35) a tribal necklace
   [      0] (tot 138) a black star medallion
   [      0] (tot 139) the amulet of the sun
   [      0] (lvl  36) a small prismatic pendant
   [      0] (lvl  36) a janni thief charm
   [      0] (lvl  36) a janni necklace of protection
   [      0] (lvl  36) a necklace of intestines
   [      0] (tot 145) a reverse misfortune charm
   [      0] (lvl  37) a white ruffled collar
   [      0] (lvl  37) a steel serpent gorget
   [      0] (lvl  37) a black and red leather choker
   [      0] (lvl  37) a cobra coif
   [      0] (tot 150) an eye of the storm amulet
   [      0] (lvl  38) a golden chalice pendant
   [      0] (lvl  38) a shiny silver necklace
   [      0] (tot 154) a white gold chain necklace
   [      0] (tot 156) a symbol of the city watch
   [      0] (lvl  40) a solar disc amulet
   [      0] (lvl  40) an ancient jade monkey pendant

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [      0] (lvl  27) Combine issue studded heavy leather sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  29) monochromatic flower pattern silk sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  31) a pair of shiny vambraces
   [      0] (lvl  31) butted mail sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  32) black bearskin sleeves
   [      0] (tot 118) glowing steel sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  33) heavily spiked shoulder pads
   [      0] (lvl  33) black slime-covered sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  33) brass chain sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  33) ancestral sode
   [      0] (lvl  34) a pair of titanium sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  34) silver arm guards
   [      0] (lvl  35) black metal arm plates
   [      0] (lvl  35) mher'eval chitin pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  35) a spiked brass left pauldron
   [      0] (tot 136) tarnished silver pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  36) steel lamellar pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  36) green chitin elbow guards
   [      0] (lvl  36) carved wombat bone armbands
   [      0] (tot 144) glorious armbands
   [      0] (tot 150) bronze dragonscale pauldrons
   [      0] (tot 150) a pair of shadowless pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  38) bloody bone sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  39) a holy armlet
   [      0] (tot 164) black adamantine sode
   [      0] (lvl  34) a golden olive broach

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [      0] (lvl  31) an issue bronze bracer
   [      0] (tot 114) a shadow bracer
   [      0] (tot 117) a rhodochrosite chip bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  32) a rainbow quartz bracer
   [      0] (lvl  32) a bronze bracer
   [      0] (tot 121) an enamel bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  33) a jade and onyx mosaic bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  33) bracer of blinding strike
   [      0] (lvl  33) an ancestral dastana
   [      0] (tot 128) a bracelet of heavy stone beads
   [      0] (lvl  34) an emerald bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  35) a polished steel bracer
   [      0] (lvl  35) a gold and red jade bracer
   [      0] (tot 139) a black diamond encrusted bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  36) a strand of uranium glass beads
   [      0] (lvl  36) a bracelet of janni touch
   [      0] (lvl  36) a bracelet of gold and agates
   [      0] (lvl  37) a diamondweave steel vambrace
   [      0] (lvl  37) a steel serpent vambrace
   [      0] (lvl  37) a hammered steel bracer
   [      0] (tot 149) a Combine issue banded iron vambrace
   [      0] (lvl  38) a minor symbol of Taran
   [      0] (tot 159) a brilliant moonstone charm bracelet
   [      0] (tot 164) a black adamantine kote
   [      0] (tot 166) a crimson archer's wristguard
   [      0] (tot 174) A two-headed sandworm shell bracer
   [      0] (lvl  32) officers' insignia
   [      0] (lvl  35) a Red Badge of Courage
   [      0] (lvl  38) cheap costume jewelry

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [      0] (lvl  30) fingerless white leather gloves
   [      0] (tot 106) gauntlets of fumbling
   [      0] (lvl  31) a pair of red lobster claws
   [      0] (lvl  31) imperial tekko
   [      0] (tot 115) Claws of Magic Stealing
   [      0] (lvl  32) biomantic gloves
   [      0] (lvl  32) Combine issue studded leather gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  33) a pair of work gloves
   [      0] (tot 128) gauntlets of devastation
   [      0] (tot 133) a pair of nightwolf fur gloves
   [      0] (tot 140) fisticuffs
   [      0] (lvl  36) steel lamellar gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 144) heavy black leather gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 147) shadow plate gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 148) heavy leather gloves
   [      0] (tot 148) chitinous gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 150) a pair of Anti claws
   [      0] (tot 153) Yuki tekko
   [      0] (tot 165) a pair of saiga skin gloves
   [      0] (tot 166) ash chitin gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 178) a pair of hematium spiked gauntlets

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [      0] (tot  97) a pulsing ruby ring
   [      0] (lvl  29) a blue ring
   [      0] (lvl  30) a sapphire ring
   [      0] (lvl  30) a citron ring
   [      0] (lvl  31) the ring of Umtos
   [      0] (lvl  31) a sapphire cocktail ring
   [      0] (lvl  31) a silver griffin ring
   [      0] (tot 114) a red steel ring
   [      0] (lvl  33) a black marble ring
   [      0] (lvl  34) A ring of chaos and destruction
   [      0] (tot 129) an orichalcum ring
   [      0] (lvl  34) a silver and emerald griffin ring
   [      0] (tot 130) a ring of invisibility
   [      0] (lvl  35) Tryggvi's Wedding ring
   [      0] (lvl  35) a stained-glass ring
   [      0] (tot 136) a prehnite band ring
   [      0] (tot 139) a gleaming sunstone ring
   [      0] (lvl  36) a small prismatic ring
   [      0] (lvl  36) a ring of craftiness
   [      0] (lvl  36) a bad fortune ring
   [      0] (tot 145) a blok'arni ring
   [      0] (tot 146) a ring of defense
   [      0] (lvl  38) a white gold griffin ring
   [      0] (lvl  38) a shiny silver ring
   [      0] (tot 154) a star ruby ring
   [      0] (tot 154) a gold dragontooth ring
   [      0] (tot 154) a sapphire scarab ring
   [      0] (tot 163) an ace of clubs ring
   [      0] (lvl  40) a ring of cinders
   [      0] (lvl  40) an ancient jade monkey ring
   [      0] (tot 166) ring of pixie power
   [      0] (tot 118) mark of the dragonslayer

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a floral pattern shirt
   [      0] (lvl  30) an imperial haramaki
   [      0] (lvl  30) a green scarab breastplate
   [      0] (tot 106) black cloth tunic
   [      0] (lvl  31) an eagle feather tlahuiztli
   [      0] (lvl  31) a white crochet vest
   [      0] (tot 114) a vest of many pockets
   [      0] (tot 115) a nightmarish breastplate
   [      0] (lvl  32) a first officer's uniform
   [      0] (lvl  32) half-plate armor
   [      0] (lvl  32) riveted mail armor
   [      0] (lvl  32) a black silk shirt
   [      0] (lvl  32) blighter armor
   [      0] (lvl  32) exo-skeleton body armor
   [      0] (tot 118) a flapping robe of flatulence
   [      0] (tot 121) studded leather armor
   [      0] (tot 121) a water-smooth silver hauberk
   [      0] (lvl  33) a tempered tungsten vest
   [      0] (lvl  33) shadow dragon do-maru
   [      0] (lvl  33) vestments of valor
   [      0] (lvl  33) a welded mail hauberk
   [      0] (lvl  33) fur-lined leather armor
   [      0] (lvl  33) sapphire dragon armor
   [      0] (lvl  33) an ancestral do-maru
   [      0] (tot 125) aluminum plate armor
   [      0] (tot 127) a mithril breastplate
   [      0] (lvl  34) a black linen chitoniskos
   [      0] (lvl  34) a blue feathered priest robes
   [      0] (lvl  34) red dragonscale mail
   [      0] (lvl  34) a golden do-maru
   [      0] (lvl  34) a filthy fur tunic
   [      0] (lvl  34) an undine-hide vest
   [      0] (lvl  34) a silky robe
   [      0] (lvl  34) a Combine issue green leather vest
   [      0] (lvl  34) Areon's breastplate
   [      0] (lvl  35) a black breastplate
   [      0] (lvl  35) a mher'eval chitin target
   [      0] (lvl  35) a doeskin shirt
   [      0] (lvl  35) padded ring armor
   [      0] (tot 136) a robe of shifting colors
   [      0] (tot 137) a dirty fringed white leather vest
   [      0] (tot 138) a simple steel breastplate
   [      0] (tot 139) a mystical chestplate
   [      0] (tot 139) the robes of rejuvenation
   [      0] (tot 139) a caribou hide tunic
   [      0] (tot 140) a silver haubergeon
   [      0] (lvl  36) a cuirass of black laquered bone
   [      0] (lvl  36) a manganese steel cuirass
   [      0] (lvl  36) a pounded iron cuirass
   [      0] (lvl  36) a red-trimmed yellow uwagi
   [      0] (lvl  36) a linothorax
   [      0] (lvl  36) a mammoth leather jerkin
   [      0] (tot 142) a red doublet emblazoned with a black serpent
   [      0] (tot 142) a padded double mail half-shirt
   [      0] (tot 145) a ring armor shirt
   [      0] (tot 145) a white scaled chestplate
   [      0] (tot 147) a sea serpent corslet
   [      0] (lvl  37) a diamondweave steel cuirass
   [      0] (lvl  37) a saffron velvet waistcoat
   [      0] (lvl  37) a silvery sparkly sky blue dress
   [      0] (lvl  37) an azure velvet waistcoat
   [      0] (lvl  37) a purple velvet waistcoat
   [      0] (lvl  37) a Third Legion padded tunic
   [      0] (lvl  38) a plain black shirt
   [      0] (lvl  38) a red sheer negligee
   [      0] (lvl  38) a heavy brown apron
   [      0] (tot 153) a white apron
   [      0] (tot 154) a scorpion brocade tunic
   [      0] (tot 155) a wyvrenscale apron
   [      0] (tot 157) a kimpic skin quiver
   [      0] (tot 159) a padded red silk haramaki
   [      0] (lvl  39) the unholy robes of protection
   [      0] (lvl  39) a gleaming sunstone chestplate
   [      0] (lvl  39) deep blue robes
   [      0] (lvl  39) a celestial breastplate
   [      0] (tot 160) a dirty brown tunic
   [      0] (tot 166) a smoky black crystal chestplate
   [      0] (tot 174) a spiked arjale recon vest
   [      0] (tot 178) a hematium spiked tunic

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a tupu with copper bells
   [      0] (lvl  30) the Shadowstrike cloak
   [      0] (lvl  30) a red velvet robe
   [      0] (lvl  31) Vellum's shroud
   [      0] (lvl  31) the Dark Robes of Priesthood
   [      0] (lvl  32) a green hide rug
   [      0] (lvl  32) a riveted mail cloak
   [      0] (tot 118) a silver scapular
   [      0] (tot 120) a flowing robe of chaos
   [      0] (lvl  33) a brilliantly white silk tunic
   [      0] (lvl  33) A wolfskin cloak
   [      0] (lvl  33) horo
   [      0] (tot 124) A cloud of spores
   [      0] (tot 128) a worker's cloak
   [      0] (lvl  34) the Kimono of the Hisui Spirit
   [      0] (lvl  34) a pus-stained cloak
   [      0] (lvl  34) a shadowy jubba
   [      0] (lvl  34) a Fourth Legion Tabard
   [      0] (lvl  34) a First Legion Tabard
   [      0] (lvl  35) a flame-patterned robe
   [      0] (lvl  35) a gnoll skin
   [      0] (tot 140) a red damask pack
   [      0] (tot 140) a black satin robe
   [      0] (lvl  36) a crimson and gold cloak
   [      0] (lvl  36) a crimson-trimmed black wool cloak
   [      0] (lvl  36) a mauve velvet cloak
   [      0] (tot 142) a plain brown cloak
   [      0] (lvl  37) a platinum threaded robe
   [      0] (lvl  37) an azure velvet cloak
   [      0] (lvl  37) a magnificent saffron cloak
   [      0] (tot 148) a gold griffin surcoat
   [      0] (tot 150) a robe of prisms
   [      0] (tot 152) a giant bear skin
   [      0] (lvl  38) finely-tailored black robe
   [      0] (lvl  38) a cloak of five cups
   [      0] (tot 153) a fur-lined royal cloak
   [      0] (lvl  38) an ordinary brown cloak
   [      0] (tot 153) a yak fur cloak
   [      0] (lvl  38) a gray stone cloak
   [      0] (tot 154) a saffron silk robe
   [      0] (lvl  40) a thick cloak embroidered with a crimson flame
   [      0] (lvl  37) security lachagos insignia

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [      0] (tot  97) an Order of Harmony blue belt
   [      0] (lvl  31) a belt of pouches
   [      0] (lvl  31) a worn woven belt
   [      0] (tot 115) the belt of the champion
   [      0] (lvl  32) the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine issue glazed leather belt
   [      0] (tot 120) a decorated leather sheath
   [      0] (lvl  33) an underslung leather belt with a jeweled buckle
   [      0] (tot 124) girdle of stealth
   [      0] (tot 127) a belt of braided hair
   [      0] (lvl  34) a Combine issue studded heavy leather belt
   [      0] (lvl  34) a Combine issue green leather belt
   [      0] (lvl  35) a belt of living scales
   [      0] (tot 137) a dirty white leather girdle
   [      0] (tot 141) a spotted deerhide skirt
   [      0] (lvl  36) a red and gold belt
   [      0] (tot 145) a sash of purple silk
   [      0] (lvl  37) a gold chain belt
   [      0] (lvl  37) a shagreen belt
   [      0] (tot 148) a saffron sash
   [      0] (tot 150) a bronze dragonscale fauld
   [      0] (tot 152) a golden linked belt
   [      0] (lvl  38) a delicate gold chain
   [      0] (lvl  38) a short black miniskirt
   [      0] (lvl  38) ancient haidate
   [      0] (lvl  38) an acorn and oak patterned belt
   [      0] (lvl  38) a giant sized selenium chain necklace
   [      0] (tot 155) a faded Order of Harmony black belt
   [      0] (tot 159) an intricately braided belt of animal hair
   [      0] (tot 160) adamantine haidate
   [      0] (lvl  40) a simple rope belt
   [      0] (tot 175) The Belt of Aphrodite

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [      0] (lvl  29) a long grass skirt
   [      0] (lvl  31) dark blue challis shalwar
   [      0] (tot 116) defiler pants
   [      0] (lvl  32) black silk pants
   [      0] (lvl  32) a pair of Combine issue glazed leather leggings
   [      0] (tot 121) the Rubicon family colors
   [      0] (lvl  33) purple silk pantaloons
   [      0] (tot 125) a fig leaf skirt
   [      0] (lvl  34) silver greaves
   [      0] (lvl  34) red dragonscale leggings
   [      0] (tot 132) a pair of heavy goat skin leggings
   [      0] (lvl  35) doeskin leggings
   [      0] (tot 137) dirty fringed white leather leggings
   [      0] (tot 139) a set of mystical leggings
   [      0] (lvl  36) brown hose
   [      0] (lvl  36) a pair of thin prismatic pants
   [      0] (lvl  36) red-trimmed yellow shitabaki
   [      0] (lvl  37) platinum threaded pantaloons
   [      0] (lvl  38) a pair of zebra skin pants
   [      0] (lvl  38) padded black hakama
   [      0] (tot 153) a pair of black hakama
   [      0] (lvl  39) a pair of black wolfskin leggings
   [      0] (tot 161) a pair of camel hair pants
   [      0] (tot 164) white jade skeletal suneate
   [      0] (tot 126) a pair of gleaming sunstone bands
   [      0] (tot 166) a set of smoky black crystal bands

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [      0] (tot 102) two lengths of vine
   [      0] (lvl  30) brown leather sandals
   [      0] (tot 108) a gold-leafed eagle claw
   [      0] (tot 109) dark gray tabi
   [      0] (lvl  31) a pair of soot covered boots
   [      0] (lvl  32) soft black boots
   [      0] (lvl  32) a pair of fine leather shoes
   [      0] (lvl  32) black suede shoes
   [      0] (lvl  32) chain link clogs
   [      0] (tot 121) silver scaled boots
   [      0] (tot 122) defiler boots
   [      0] (lvl  33) a pair of boots with an elvish rune
   [      0] (lvl  33) a pair of Combine issue glazed leather boots
   [      0] (tot 127) a pair of storm boots
   [      0] (tot 128) a pair of thick soled work boots
   [      0] (lvl  34) grounded boots
   [      0] (lvl  34) white sandals
   [      0] (lvl  35) blue belgha
   [      0] (lvl  35) heavy living scale slips
   [      0] (lvl  35) issue hobnail sandals
   [      0] (lvl  35) ghostly boots
   [      0] (lvl  36) steel lamellar boots
   [      0] (lvl  36) boots of vitality
   [      0] (lvl  36) orc claw-boots
   [      0] (tot 147) a pair of chrysolite boots
   [      0] (lvl  37) black and red leather boots
   [      0] (tot 150) a pair of bronze dragonscale sabatons
   [      0] (lvl  38) a pair of steel-toed boots
   [      0] (lvl  38) insubstantial boots
   [      0] (lvl  38) knee-high red drake scale boots
   [      0] (lvl  39) a pair of black crimson edged boots
   [      0] (lvl  39) a pair of gleaming moonstone boots
   [      0] (tot 164) a pair of Bruno Maglis
   [      0] (tot 164) black adamantine tabi
   [      0] (tot 165) a pair of saiga skin boots
   [      0] (tot 173) a pair of arjale reinforced boots
   [      0] (tot 178) a set of hematium spiked boots
   [      0] (tot 142) a sliver of glass

   [  Price] Shields:
   [      0] (lvl  29) a round iron shield
   [      0] (tot 115) a solid selenium shield
   [      0] (lvl  32) an eagle feather chimalli
   [      0] (lvl  32) a small dwarven shield
   [      0] (tot 121) a dragon-crested shield
   [      0] (lvl  33) a massive rock shield
   [      0] (lvl  33) a light buckler
   [      0] (tot 123) a glass tower shield
   [      0] (lvl  34) a brass tower shield
   [      0] (lvl  34) a large, glowing black scale
   [      0] (lvl  34) the Shield of Shenlong
   [      0] (lvl  34) a red dragonscale shield
   [      0] (lvl  34) a serpent-scale shield
   [      0] (tot 132) a rusted and cracked shield
   [      0] (lvl  35) an oval wooden shield
   [      0] (lvl  35) a small crystal shield
   [      0] (tot 139) a shield of souls
   [      0] (tot 140) a graoch shield
   [      0] (lvl  36) a scorched and battered round shield
   [      0] (tot 145) a heavy spiked orc shield
   [      0] (lvl  37) a round Anchorhead shield
   [      0] (lvl  38) a rampant hippogriff shield
   [      0] (tot 161) the Bulwark of the Great Dragon

   [  Price] Held:
   [      0] (lvl  29) The Book of Sea Knowledge
   [      0] (lvl  30) a tome entitled Prinica Levitata
   [      0] (tot 108) an emerald-tipped golden rod
   [      0] (tot 109) the golden talon of the eagle
   [      0] (lvl  31) an amber wand
   [      0] (lvl  31) a lump of warpstone
   [      0] (lvl  31) a staff of repulsion
   [      0] (lvl  31) a gigantic scythe
   [      0] (tot 115) a silver sceptre
   [      0] (lvl  32) a druidic totem of a jaguar
   [      0] (lvl  32) a pitch black glyph
   [      0] (lvl  32) an azurite rod
   [      0] (tot 120) a long, thin wooden staff
   [      0] (lvl  33) a glass rod
   [      0] (lvl  33) the heart of an ice golem
   [      0] (lvl  33) claw of kenai
   [      0] (lvl  33) a staff of hexing
   [      0] (lvl  33) the Staff of Desert Magic
   [      0] (tot 127) a gem of insight
   [      0] (tot 127) a wand of darken
   [      0] (tot 128) a staff of cockiness
   [      0] (tot 128) a staff of flooding
   [      0] (lvl  34) a white-handled wakizashi
   [      0] (tot 131) a razorleaf
   [      0] (lvl  35) a pegasus feather
   [      0] (lvl  35) a rod of Ornias
   [      0] (lvl  35) an ancient spellbook
   [      0] (tot 136) a rod of mystery
   [      0] (lvl  36) a frozen staff
   [      0] (tot 144) an orc skull staff
   [      0] (lvl  37) the staff of recuperation
   [      0] (tot 149) a white brass rod
   [      0] (tot 151) the diary of the Avatar of Light
   [      0] (lvl  38) a carved bone totem
   [      0] (lvl  38) a carved stone figurine of Talos
   [      0] (tot 154) the Prismatic Rod of Mesco the Magnificent
   [      0] (lvl  39) a razorback tusk
   [      0] (lvl  39) the gem of corruption
   [      0] (tot 161) the royal sceptre of Dorna
   [      0] (tot 163) a flame-patterned staff
   [      0] (lvl  40) An Old Chipped Teapot
   [      0] (lvl  40) An Old Chipped Teapot
   [      0] (lvl  40) An Old Chipped Teapot
   [      0] (tot 174) a traveller's walking stick
   [      0] (lvl  30) a platinum locket
   [      0] (lvl  38) the badge of leadership
   [      0] (tot 132) the elders ring
   [      0] (tot 115) a set of thieves' tools
   [      0] (lvl  30) Nothing.

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  29) a huge wooden club
   [      0] (lvl  30) the Shadowstrike sword
   [      0] (lvl  31) an elven longbow
   [      0] (tot 112) a pair of drusses
   [      0] (lvl  32) a self bow
   [      0] (lvl  32) a roll of blue silk trimmed in gold
   [      0] (tot 118) a rugged quarterstaff
   [      0] (tot 120) a giant titanium chain whip
   [      0] (tot 120) a shadow spear
   [      0] (tot 121) an emperal battleaxe
   [      0] (lvl  33) the runed battle-staff of norok
   [      0] (tot 127) a royal spear
   [      0] (tot 127) Saif Al-Muharib
   [      0] (lvl  34) an ironwood crossbow
   [      0] (lvl  35) a two handed battle axe
   [      0] (lvl  35) an orc greataxe
   [      0] (lvl  35) a battle-hammer
   [      0] (lvl  36) a Takari deathbow
   [      0] (lvl  36) a bec de corbin
   [      0] (tot 142) an enchanted dagger-axe
   [      0] (lvl  37) the Maul of Thunder
   [      0] (lvl  38) a willow longbow
   [      0] (tot 157) a pneumatic crossbow
   [      0] (tot 159) an adamantium kanabo
   [      0] (lvl  39) a blackened steel greatsword
   [      0] (lvl  39) the hammer of light
   [      0] (tot 160) a hammer of dark flames
   [      0] (tot 163) an intricately carved dragon crossbow
   [      0] (tot 165) a monster maul
   [      0] (lvl  40) A huge fiery battleaxe
   [      0] (tot 166) a gigantic double bladed axe
   [      0] (tot 180) the shade of a blowgun
   [      0] (lvl  36) the Second Legion Standard

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [      0] (tot  93) A bull alligator skin whip
   [      0] (lvl  30) a lawn mower blade
   [      0] (lvl  30) the Midnight Cleaver
   [      0] (lvl  31) the whip of Carahade
   [      0] (tot 111) a large meat cleaver
   [      0] (lvl  31) a feathered club
   [      0] (lvl  31) a fancy rapier
   [      0] (lvl  31) a dwarf-bite dagger
   [      0] (lvl  32) a macuahuitl
   [      0] (lvl  32) a majutsu katana
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine-issue iron mace
   [      0] (lvl  32) a claw-wood staff
   [      0] (lvl  32) an iron harpoon
   [      0] (lvl  32) a long rusted dagger
   [      0] (lvl  32) a giant axe
   [      0] (tot 120) Lightbringer, sword of truth
   [      0] (lvl  33) a poisonous sting
   [      0] (lvl  33) a gold-hilted sabre
   [      0] (tot 123) A short wooden spear
   [      0] (lvl  33) a Combine issue iron morningstar
   [      0] (lvl  33) a jewel-encrusted broadsword
   [      0] (lvl  33) a rusty longsword
   [      0] (tot 127) a silver scimitar
   [      0] (lvl  34) a heavy bollocks dagger
   [      0] (lvl  34) a steel backsword
   [      0] (lvl  34) A specialized longsword
   [      0] (lvl  34) a rogue blade
   [      0] (lvl  34) an iron javelin
   [      0] (lvl  34) a green-handled dagger
   [      0] (lvl  34) a white-handled katana
   [      0] (lvl  34) Revan's war sword
   [      0] (lvl  35) a moro dagger
   [      0] (lvl  35) the kris sword
   [      0] (tot 135) a reverse blade
   [      0] (lvl  35) a crystallized claw-wood staff
   [      0] (lvl  35) a bronze pugio
   [      0] (lvl  35) an orc shortspear
   [      0] (lvl  35) a sapphire longsword
   [      0] (tot 135) a blackened steel tipped spear
   [      0] (tot 139) an obsidian scimitar
   [      0] (lvl  36) an adamantine shortsword
   [      0] (lvl  36) a griffin sword
   [      0] (lvl  37) a nightstalker spear
   [      0] (tot 151) a small pyrestone hammer
   [      0] (lvl  38) a black nightstick
   [      0] (lvl  38) a crude serrated longsword
   [      0] (lvl  38) a Finspang issue club
   [      0] (tot 154) a jet black nightstick
   [      0] (tot 159) a frigid dragon's breath katana
   [      0] (lvl  39) a crude iron axe
   [      0] (lvl  39) a heavy mace
   [      0] (lvl  39) a large club of blackened steel
   [      0] (lvl  39) an ebony ninjato
   [      0] (lvl  39) a crescent moon staff
   [      0] (lvl  39) a blackfang dagger
   [      0] (lvl  39) a diamond-headed silver spear
   [      0] (lvl  39) a crudely sharpened spear
   [      0] (tot 163) a copper pick
   [      0] (tot 163) a pearl mithril katana
   [      0] (tot 163) the flail of evasion
   [      0] (tot 163) a heavy blackened iron hammer
   [      0] (tot 164) a rusty yari
   [      0] (tot 164) a Xidan yak horn-handled dao
   [      0] (lvl  40) A Crimsonian Guard Cutlass
   [      0] (lvl  40) a black steel baton
   [      0] (tot 165) the scimitar of darkfire

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      0] (lvl  28) a mass of red squid tentacles
   [      0] (lvl  29) gill-o'er-the-grass
   [      0] (lvl  29) a wood lily
   [      0] (tot 104) a brown scapolite vase
   [      0] (lvl  30) an ornately carved wooden box
   [      0] (lvl  30) an ornately carved wooden box
   [      0] (lvl  30) an ornately carved wooden box
   [      0] (lvl  30) a scroll of resurrection
   [      0] (lvl  30) a statue of Capacious
   [      0] (lvl  30) Tragen's chest
   [      0] (lvl  30) a human eyeball
   [      0] (lvl  30) a drained body
   [      0] (lvl  30) a severed arm
   [      0] (lvl  30) a small sack of gold
   [      0] (lvl  30) an electrified warhammer
   [      0] (lvl  30) ironblood ale
   [      0] (lvl  30) a mug of cold beer
   [      0] (lvl  30) a stone
   [      0] (lvl  30) an issue crossbow bolt
   [      0] (lvl  30) bonemeal
   [      0] (lvl  30) a handful of dirt
   [      0] (lvl  30) a flask of silver and black
   [      0] (lvl  30) a large pewter goblet
   [      0] (lvl  30) a bunch of elephant garlic
   [      0] (lvl  30) a handful of human excrement
   [      0] (lvl  30) a Rittermark arrow
   [      0] (lvl  31) a bottle of weed-killer
   [      0] (lvl  31) a bauxite sling bullet
   [      0] (lvl  31) a shadowblade grenade
   [      0] (lvl  31) a jar of black oil
   [      0] (lvl  31) gravedust
   [      0] (lvl  31) a staff of lights
   [      0] (lvl  31) a small carved jade dragon pin
   [      0] (lvl  31) a table leg
   [      0] (lvl  32) an ear of red corn
   [      0] (lvl  32) a manticore lily bulb
   [      0] (lvl  32) citrine quartz
   [      0] (lvl  32) red lichen
   [      0] (tot 120) a book bound in black silk
   [      0] (tot 121) an electrum platter
   [      0] (tot 121) an electrum platter
   [      0] (tot 121) an electrum platter
   [      0] (tot 121) the horn of a black unicorn
   [      0] (lvl  33) an ear of white corn
   [      0] (lvl  33) a moon carrot umbel
   [      0] (lvl  33) a kudzu flower
   [      0] (lvl  33) Wendy's spicy fish nuggets
   [      0] (lvl  33) milled rock grain
   [      0] (lvl  34) a pastry roll
   [      0] (lvl  34) a sporebat button
   [      0] (lvl  34) a yellow neas loaf
   [      0] (lvl  34) a bag of candied dates
   [      0] (tot 129) a yeti hide
   [      0] (lvl  35) a scribed scroll of revocation
   [      0] (lvl  35) some bone marrow
   [      0] (lvl  35) the two of clubs
   [      0] (lvl  35) a small diamond
   [      0] (lvl  35) a force dart
   [      0] (lvl  35) a draught of burning
   [      0] (lvl  35) a vial of golden ichor
   [      0] (lvl  35) a skin filled with green fluid
   [      0] (lvl  35) Draak's fury
   [      0] (tot 140) a purple velvet sack
   [      0] (lvl  36) a small ivory figure
   [      0] (lvl  36) a crystal pistol
   [      0] (tot 144) part of a walnut tree trunk
   [      0] (lvl  37) a sparkling lime potion of shards
   [      0] (lvl  37) a handful of Suborian dwarf juniper berries
   [      0] (lvl  37) an aluminum urn
   [      0] (lvl  37) a lobster tail
   [      0] (lvl  37) a pound of fresh anchovies
   [      0] (lvl  38) an ironclad ammonite shell
   [      0] (lvl  38) a wand of resurrection
   [      0] (lvl  38) the staff Pukunati, the distractor
   [      0] (lvl  38) a tuft of lynx fur
   [      0] (lvl  38) a vial of melancholy
   [      0] (lvl  38) a wild rose
   [      0] (lvl  39) a vial of monster blood
   [      0] (lvl  39) fire ant acid
   [      0] (lvl  39) a silver nugget
   [      0] (tot 163) a steel crossbow bolt
   [      0] (lvl  40) a stone bullet
   [      0] (lvl  40) a spiny grenade
   [      0] (lvl  40) a red-figure amphora
   [      0] (lvl  40) a black-figure krater
   [      0] (lvl  40) a flask of coldfire
   [      0] (lvl  40) a gold nugget
   [      0] (tot 166) a crimson steel tipped arrow
   [      0] (lvl  41) olivine spangles
   [      0] (tot 173) a shadow dart
   [      0] (tot 174) a bone bolt
   [      0] (tot 174) a brick of silver


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