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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Pit of Charity
Location:    The City of Fonts, Purnima, The Realms of Light
Recommended Level: 45

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

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Prev Item - [      0] (lvl  40) a set of silvery leg plates
Curr Item - [      0] (tot 165) a set of Bubonic bands
Next Item - [      0] (tot 166) a thin belted shendyt

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'bubonic rat plague bands'
Weight: 2  Size: 4'0"  Total levels: 165 (and 38 cleric)
Type: ARMOR   Composition: SKIN   Defense: 1 ac-apply
Wear locations are:  LEGS 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  CLER_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by 25%
Affects:  MANA by 14

Item description:
These bands are formed of a black thin skin of a creature. Bloody fur are
matted in unevon clumps which gives these bands a rat-like hide in
appearance. Despite being extremely unpleasant, these bands emits a magical

power fueled by the nightmarish insects that swarms around the bands,
oozing in and out of existence.


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