Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: The Garbage Pit ('list' to see items)
Location: The Refugee Camp, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 1
All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis. Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.
Back to the list of all shops.
[ Price] Worn on head:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a black piece of leather
[ 0] (lvl 1) a wool cap
[ 0] (lvl 5) a circlet of blasting
[ 0] (lvl 7) a ghoulish crown
[ 0] (lvl 7) a hard leather helm
[ 0] (lvl 8) a dirty black helm
[ 0] (tot 12) a gorro ring
[ Price] Worn on neck:
[ 0] (lvl 0) the beads of the dead
[ 0] (lvl 1) a minor ward crystal pendant
[ 0] (lvl 2) a rusty iron collar
[ 0] (lvl 3) an unholy symbol
[ 0] (lvl 5) a collar with red bells
[ 0] (lvl 8) a skull necklace
[ 0] (lvl 8) the unholy symbol of Shift
[ Price] Worn on arms:
[ 0] (lvl 3) a pair of black leather sleeves
[ Price] Worn on wrists:
[ 0] (lvl 0) wristwear made of hide
[ 0] (lvl 4) a sea urchin bracelet
[ 0] (tot 5) a tiny belled collar
[ 0] (lvl 6) a black lizard skin bracer
[ 0] (lvl 6) a wooden bracer
[ Price] Worn on fingers:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small piece of seaweed
[ 0] (lvl 0) an engraved copper ring
[ 0] (lvl 1) a soapstone ring
[ 0] (lvl 1) a heavy bronze ring
[ 0] (lvl 3) a sharp, shiny thing
[ 0] (tot 5) a gold and silver ring
[ 0] (tot 9) the ring of the vesper
[ 0] (lvl 8) a ring of black iron
[ 0] (lvl 9) a mystical black ring
[ Price] Worn on body:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a muslin slip
[ 0] (lvl 3) a pair of scruffy overalls
[ 0] (lvl 4) a soft wolf pelt
[ 0] (lvl 5) a name badge
[ 0] (lvl 7) a tattered elkskin tunic
[ 0] (lvl 7) light brown armor
[ 0] (tot 10) a kitchen apron
[ 0] (lvl 8) a rotted leather jacket
[ 0] (lvl 8) a heavy vest
[ Price] Worn about body:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a regal saddle
[ 0] (tot 8) plain canvas saddle bags
[ 0] (lvl 7) a leather greatcloak
[ 0] (lvl 7) a thick hide
[ 0] (tot 10) a green goblin backpack
[ 0] (tot 10) a green goblin backpack
[ 0] (tot 10) a green goblin backpack
[ 0] (tot 10) a green goblin backpack
[ 0] (tot 10) a green goblin backpack
[ Price] Worn on waist:
[ 0] (lvl 0) waistwear made of hide
[ 0] (lvl 0) a pounded bark loincloth
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheaply made leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 4) a red sash
[ 0] (tot 5) a moon and star silver chainlink belt
[ 0] (lvl 6) an old leather belt
[ 0] (tot 11) an auburn cashmere miniskirt
[ Price] Worn on legs:
[ 0] (lvl 0) snake scale pants
[ 0] (lvl 7) a pair of leather pants
[ 0] (lvl 8) a pair of dark brown leggings
[ 0] (lvl 8) dirty grey overalls
[ 0] (tot 12) a pair of blue pants covered in blood red roses
[ Price] Worn on feet:
[ 0] (lvl 3) a pair of green moccasins
[ 0] (lvl 6) a pair of green imp skin boots
[ 0] (lvl 8) heavy boots
[ Price] Shields:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a round iron shield
[ 0] (lvl 6) A spider web
[ 0] (lvl 7) a large dwarven shield
[ 0] (lvl 8) a warrior's copper shield
[ 0] (lvl 8) a blackened shield
[ Price] Held:
[ 0] (lvl 0) an obelisk silver medallion
[ 0] (lvl 0) a periwinkle stone
[ 0] (lvl 0) a houndstooth stone
[ 0] (lvl 0) a teal stone
[ 0] (lvl 0) a candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) an odd little lantern
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small leather pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a magically burning torch
[ 0] (lvl 0) an ear of corn
[ 0] (lvl 0) a blood-stained chalice
[ 0] (lvl 0) a green torch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a strange metal rod
[ 0] (lvl 0) a broken emerald
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rusty can
[ 0] (lvl 0) a large, round nodule
[ 0] (lvl 0) a laden keyring
[ 0] (lvl 0) fine leather straps
[ 0] (lvl 0) a students key
[ 0] (lvl 0) a set of Rorschach inkblot test cards
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small key ring
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small key ring
[ 0] (lvl 0) a sack of yellow neas flour
[ 0] (lvl 0) a homemade anti-war poster
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bee stinger
[ 0] (lvl 1) an RGMC signed safety waiver
[ 0] (lvl 1) a wand of bolster
[ 0] (lvl 1) a wand of crystal light
[ 0] (lvl 1) a wand of sparks
[ 0] (tot 1) a wand of light
[ 0] (lvl 2) a small wooden holy symbol
[ 0] (lvl 3) a silver pipette
[ 0] (lvl 4) a tournament pamphlet
[ 0] (lvl 5) a tamborine
[ 0] (lvl 5) a wand of missiles
[ 0] (tot 5) a pile of clothes
[ 0] (tot 6) a rough leather pouch
[ 0] (tot 6) a rice filled gourd
[ 0] (tot 8) a wooden fork
[ 0] (lvl 7) a harp of fish bones
[ 0] (tot 10) a torch
[ 0] (tot 10) a piece of rock
[ 0] (lvl 8) a full water bucket
[ 0] (lvl 8) a rice-scroll map
[ 0] (lvl 8) a wand of mending wounds
[ 0] (lvl 0) a plush white goose
[ 0] (lvl 6) a pitch black feather
[ 0] (lvl 0) a fluffy raccoon's tail
[ Price] Two handed weapon:
[ 0] (lvl 6) a grain scythe
[ 0] (lvl 6) a cheap shortbow
[ 0] (lvl 8) a bloody broad sword
[ Price] One handed weapon:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a claw
[ 0] (lvl 0) a dull butterknife
[ 0] (lvl 0) a big ol' frying pan
[ 0] (lvl 0) a butcher knife
[ 0] (lvl 2) a wicked curved dagger
[ 0] (lvl 3) a heavy axehaft
[ 0] (lvl 3) a length of vine
[ 0] (lvl 4) a sharp metal spear
[ 0] (lvl 4) an issue halfspear
[ 0] (lvl 5) a brass trisul
[ 0] (tot 5) a dirty wooden sauce spoon
[ 0] (lvl 5) a rusted light mace
[ 0] (lvl 5) a heavy brass hammer
[ 0] (lvl 5) a leg bone
[ 0] (lvl 5) a yellow-bladed sword
[ 0] (lvl 6) a scorched cudgel
[ 0] (lvl 6) a blood red scepter engraved in demons
[ 0] (lvl 7) a curved scimitar
[ 0] (lvl 7) a gleaming crescent bladed axe
[ 0] (lvl 7) a battle axe
[ 0] (lvl 8) a heavily enchanted crystal bladed dagger
[ 0] (lvl 8) a bloody shortspear
[ 0] (lvl 8) a black-handled dirk
[ 0] (lvl 8) a vile staff of blackwood
[ 0] (lvl 8) a masterwork brass mace
[ Price] Miscellaneous:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a tiny bone
[ 0] (lvl 0) a starstone cabochon
[ 0] (lvl 0) an amber stone
[ 0] (lvl 0) a weathered journal
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rod of gold
[ 0] (lvl 0) a mysterious note
[ 0] (lvl 0) a smelly piece of fish
[ 0] (lvl 0) a book titled 'Rare Woods and Where to Find Them'
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rubber ducky
[ 0] (lvl 0) a book titled 'Primitive Stone Tools'
[ 0] (lvl 0) a pork chop
[ 0] (lvl 0) a silver figurine of a demon
[ 0] (lvl 0) some bread crumbs
[ 0] (lvl 0) an elf stone
[ 0] (lvl 0) garnierite ore
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rod of lead
[ 0] (lvl 0) a few loosely bound manuscripts
[ 0] (lvl 0) a photo of a young couple
[ 0] (lvl 0) a jar of mayonnaise
[ 0] (lvl 0) a tall rectangular box
[ 0] (lvl 0) a sturdy iron cauldron
[ 0] (lvl 0) a leaflet of papers
[ 0] (lvl 0) a tall stool
[ 0] (lvl 0) A largish book titled "The fine art of lockpicking"
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small leather bound book
[ 0] (lvl 0) a soot covered business card
[ 0] (lvl 0) a piece of paper marked: 'Day 5'
[ 0] (lvl 0) a sardius cobble
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bit of origami
[ 0] (lvl 0) a chunk of iron ore
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small black box
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small black box
[ 0] (lvl 0) a copper plated key
[ 0] (lvl 0) some gear
[ 0] (lvl 0) a note on a donation envelope
[ 0] (lvl 0) a chicken's head
[ 0] (lvl 0) a thin sheet of metal
[ 0] (lvl 0) a love note to Dentin
[ 0] (lvl 0) a love note to Dentin
[ 0] (lvl 0) a book entitled, 'The Nature of Chaos'
[ 0] (lvl 0) an investor's certificate
[ 0] (lvl 0) a snow globe
[ 0] (lvl 0) a child's skull
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cheap plastic armyman
[ 0] (lvl 0) an idol of Vember
[ 0] (lvl 0) a blood donor card
[ 0] (lvl 0) a block of nickel
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rod of iron
[ 0] (lvl 0) a snail shell
[ 0] (lvl 0) a few bones
[ 0] (lvl 0) a glowing crystal
[ 0] (lvl 0) an Ashorcicle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a burlap sack
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rotten tomato
[ 0] (lvl 0) an herb garden
[ 0] (lvl 0) a handful of papers
[ 0] (lvl 0) a dream catcher
[ 0] (lvl 0) a cracked glass helm
[ 0] (lvl 0) a letter from Bulnark
[ 0] (lvl 0) a wide wicker basket
[ 0] (lvl 0) a tektite
[ 0] (lvl 0) a rusty piece of scrap metal
[ 0] (lvl 0) Public Ordinances of the City of Naginag
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carving of the ice dragon
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bright blue flamed candle
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small sack
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small sack
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small sack
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small sack
[ 0] (lvl 0) a short green fishing pole
[ 0] (lvl 0) a short orange fishing pole
[ 0] (lvl 0) a dry torch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a poorly-written letter
[ 0] (lvl 0) a scorched book
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) a carrying pouch
[ 0] (lvl 0) an old pair of spectacles
[ 0] (lvl 0) a blank papyrus
[ 0] (lvl 0) a milky quartz crystal
[ 0] (lvl 0) a velvet gem bag
[ 0] (lvl 0) a velvet gem bag
[ 0] (lvl 0) a yellowed note
[ 0] (lvl 0) a wild rose
[ 0] (lvl 0) a pile of metal ore
[ 0] (lvl 0) a small seashell
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bottle of water breathing
[ 0] (lvl 0) a metal watering can
[ 0] (lvl 0) a note for Adrian
[ 0] (lvl 0) a book about tirbanas
[ 0] (lvl 1) zinc spar
[ 0] (lvl 1) a book entitled, 'Rare Spell Components of the Island of Sloe'
[ 0] (lvl 1) a dried puffball mushroom
[ 0] (tot 1) A piece of leaf
[ 0] (lvl 1) a chunk of limestone
[ 0] (lvl 1) a white clover blossom
[ 0] (lvl 1) a mud-stained journal
[ 0] (lvl 1) the Rising Star newspaper
[ 0] (lvl 1) a book
[ 0] (tot 1) a ball
[ 0] (lvl 1) a thorn dart
[ 0] (lvl 1) a blazing torch
[ 0] (lvl 1) a small chest
[ 0] (lvl 1) a palm wood fishing pole
[ 0] (lvl 1) a one-man rowboat
[ 0] (lvl 1) a small iron disc
[ 0] (tot 1) a mining torch
[ 0] (tot 1) a mining torch
[ 0] (tot 1) a golden shot
[ 0] (tot 1) a book entitled, 'The History of Pellam, volume 1'
[ 0] (tot 1) a book entitled, 'The History of Pellam, volume 2'
[ 0] (lvl 1) estanite ore
[ 0] (tot 2) a fishing rod
[ 0] (lvl 2) a pocket dimension
[ 0] (lvl 2) a glazed donut
[ 0] (lvl 2) a bit of red imp skin
[ 0] (lvl 2) a wooden idol
[ 0] (lvl 2) a painting of Santa Rita
[ 0] (lvl 3) a mooncatcher bottle
[ 0] (lvl 3) a white icecream cart
[ 0] (lvl 3) an onion bagel
[ 0] (lvl 4) a red soulstone
[ 0] (lvl 4) sphalerite ore
[ 0] (lvl 4) a raspberry filled donut
[ 0] (lvl 5) talc
[ 0] (lvl 5) a bag of coal
[ 0] (lvl 5) a chocolate popsicle
[ 0] (lvl 5) a bit of dry ice
[ 0] (tot 5) a rod of cadmium
[ 0] (tot 5) a rod of selenium
[ 0] (lvl 5) bonemeal
[ 0] (lvl 5) a handful of peppergrass leaves
[ 0] (lvl 5) a gum wrapper
[ 0] (tot 5) a fishing rod
[ 0] (tot 7) a rod of platinum
[ 0] (tot 7) a rod of silver
[ 0] (lvl 6) epsomite crust
[ 0] (tot 7) a rod of mithril
[ 0] (lvl 6) a giant silver goblet
[ 0] (tot 7) a rod of ziff
[ 0] (lvl 6) cow-parsnip leaves
[ 0] (lvl 6) a serpentine cobble
[ 0] (tot 8) a patchwork leather satchel
[ 0] (tot 8) a sock
[ 0] (lvl 7) a striped fuchsia Easter egg
[ 0] (lvl 7) cerussite ore
[ 0] (lvl 7) an unadorned pestle and mortar
[ 0] (lvl 7) olivenite ore
[ 0] (lvl 7) galena ore
[ 0] (lvl 7) halite
[ 0] (lvl 7) a book entitled "Saints"
[ 0] (lvl 7) raw green jade
[ 0] (lvl 7) a twinkie
[ 0] (tot 10) a spark of enthusiasm
[ 0] (tot 10) a silver lining
[ 0] (lvl 8) a bloodblister mushroom
[ 0] (lvl 8) a chunk of honeycomb
[ 0] (lvl 8) zincite ore
[ 0] (lvl 8) a small brown bag
[ 0] (lvl 8) kizin spores
[ 0] (lvl 9) citrine quartz
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