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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Garbage Pit ('list' to see items)
Location:    The Refugee Camp, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 1

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

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Prev Item - [      0] (lvl   6) a cheap shortbow
Curr Item - [      0] (lvl   8) a bloody broad sword
Next Item - [      0] (lvl   0) a claw

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'broad sword bloody black'
Weight: 16  Size: 3'6"  Level: 8
Type: WEAPON   Composition: IRON
Requires 20 strength to wield.
Weapon damage: 4 to 44 hack   Weapon speed: normal
Wear locations are:  2_WIELD 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  DAMROLL by 4
Affects:  HITROLL by 3
Affects:  WARR_SKILL_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  CON by 1

Item description:
This massive two-handed sword has dried bloodstains covering every inch
of the thick metal blade. You can tell from the smell it hasn't been
cleaned in quite some time, although the black wood handle and hilt
appear to be like new. 


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