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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Naphtali Donation Room
Location:    Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a silver helm
   [      0] (lvl  15) a silvery green headband
   [      0] (tot  31) a mark of Ornias
   [      0] (tot  33) a purple cotton tricorn
   [      0] (lvl  17) a ceremonial mitre
   [      0] (lvl  17) a pair of silver hair bows
   [      0] (lvl  18) a horse's bridle
   [      0] (tot  42) rose-colored glasses
   [      0] (lvl  18) a jet black helmet
   [      0] (lvl  18) a silver cat eye circlet
   [      0] (lvl  19) A headress made of spider's web
   [      0] (lvl  19) white face paint with black markings
   [      0] (lvl  19) a red turban
   [      0] (lvl  19) a viking helm
   [      0] (lvl  20) a water beetle's air bubble
   [      0] (lvl  20) a mithril thunderhelm
   [      0] (tot  55) An ophiotaurus skin hood

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [      0] (lvl  15) spiked shoulder pads
   [      0] (lvl  15) a dusty cape
   [      0] (lvl  16) scale mail coif
   [      0] (lvl  17) a heavily spiked dog collar
   [      0] (tot  40) a purple badge with a silver cross
   [      0] (lvl  19) a bear-headed mithril torque
   [      0] (lvl  19) an ancient bone collar

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [      0] (tot  38) orcish pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  17) a ceremonial drape
   [      0] (lvl  17) a white pearl set into a thin silver armband
   [      0] (lvl  20) a large branded gauntlet
   [      0] (lvl  20) a pair of satin blue sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  21) white silken sleeves

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [      0] (lvl   2) a bracelet of yellowed bones
   [      0] (lvl  12) the crystal band of a warmage
   [      0] (tot  25) a birch bark bracer
   [      0] (lvl  15) a bone armguard
   [      0] (lvl  16) a silver charm bracelet
   [      0] (lvl  17) an ornamental bracelet
   [      0] (tot  43) an ornate silver and gold fraternity bracelet

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a set of mole claws
   [      0] (lvl  15) blood-soaked gloves
   [      0] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  18) Combine issue spiked leather gloves
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of scarlet red gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  18) gloves of grounding
   [      0] (lvl  20) a thorny length of vine
   [      0] (lvl  20) gauntlets of ice protection

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a simple silver ring
   [      0] (lvl  13) a red ring
   [      0] (tot  25) a chameleon ring
   [      0] (lvl  16) a finger-bone ring
   [      0] (lvl  17) onyx ring
   [      0] (lvl  18) a silver serpent ring
   [      0] (lvl  19) a lunar ring
   [      0] (tot  50) a silver engagement ring
   [      0] (lvl  20) a golden sunburst ring
   [      0] (lvl  22) a bull headed ring
   [      0] (lvl  23) a small ring of rubber

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [      0] (lvl  14) a plain white shirt
   [      0] (lvl  14) a nightforge black tunic
   [      0] (lvl  15) a long dark blue hooded robe
   [      0] (lvl  17) a red tank top
   [      0] (lvl  17) a froggy kimono
   [      0] (lvl  17) a set of rusted chain-link armor
   [      0] (lvl  17) blackened leather body armor
   [      0] (lvl  17) a long bloody dress
   [      0] (lvl  18) a jet black platemail
   [      0] (lvl  18) a flaming red robe
   [      0] (lvl  18) a ragged brown dress
   [      0] (lvl  18) a blue and white sailor outfit
   [      0] (lvl  18) a coyote skin tunic
   [      0] (lvl  20) glowing banded mail
   [      0] (lvl  20) dented imperial haramaki
   [      0] (lvl  20) dark leather armor
   [      0] (lvl  20) dark regal robes
   [      0] (lvl  21) a long hooded jet black robe
   [      0] (lvl  22) engraved black armor
   [      0] (lvl  22) a charred steel breastplate

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [      0] (lvl  12) a dark black robe
   [      0] (lvl  12) a hooded traveler's cloak
   [      0] (lvl  13) a dark blue robe
   [      0] (lvl  14) a bedsheet
   [      0] (lvl  14) a blankie
   [      0] (lvl  14) a robe woven from spider webs
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (lvl  16) a tan hooded robe
   [      0] (lvl  16) a fiery red cloak
   [      0] (lvl  17) a blood red cloak
   [      0] (lvl  18) a long tattered red robe
   [      0] (lvl  19) a long moss green cloak
   [      0] (lvl  20) a Second Legion Tabard
   [      0] (lvl  18) a goatskin cloak
   [      0] (lvl  18) a set of jet black robes
   [      0] (lvl  22) a set of blood red robes

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [      0] (lvl  11) an imp-hide belt
   [      0] (lvl  14) a coyote skin loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  15) a crude leather girdle
   [      0] (lvl  15) a belt of webbing
   [      0] (lvl  16) a drake fang belt
   [      0] (lvl  16) a scarlet red girth
   [      0] (lvl  17) mail skirt
   [      0] (lvl  18) a crimson red sash
   [      0] (lvl  18) a jet black girth
   [      0] (lvl  18) a mystical blue sash
   [      0] (lvl  18) an animal hide loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  18) a silverleaf belt
   [      0] (lvl  19) a crimson red loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  20) the belt of the hero
   [      0] (lvl  20) a black leather loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  22) a tattered loincloth

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [      0] (lvl  11) a pair of blue jeans
   [      0] (lvl  14) a pair of dark khaki pants
   [      0] (lvl  15) gruesome leggings of interwoven human bones
   [      0] (lvl  15) ragged bloody pants
   [      0] (lvl  17) blackened leather thigh pads
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of blood red pants
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of bloody leggings
   [      0] (lvl  20) a peg leg
   [      0] (tot  53) flared black slacks
   [      0] (lvl  21) a pair of black leather pants
   [      0] (lvl  23) tarnished shackles

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a pair of mystical blue slippers
   [      0] (lvl  15) blood-soaked boots
   [      0] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge boots
   [      0] (tot  36) a pair of fine crocodile slippers
   [      0] (lvl  17) moss lined sandals
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of oversized floppy red shoes
   [      0] (lvl  19) the silvery slippers of a warmage
   [      0] (lvl  19) a pair of black leather sandals
   [      0] (tot  50) a black magic tattoo

   [  Price] Shields:
   [      0] (lvl  15) a falcon shield
   [      0] (tot  36) a shield of living branches
   [      0] (lvl  17) a fiery shield
   [      0] (lvl  17) an ancient mithril shield
   [      0] (lvl  17) a discarded eye patch
   [      0] (lvl  17) dragonscale shield
   [      0] (lvl  18) an enchanted shield of avoidance
   [      0] (lvl  21) a dented iron shield
   [      0] (lvl  21) a ruby inlaid shield
   [      0] (lvl  22) a kappa's shell

   [  Price] Held:
   [      0] (lvl  11) the horn of dispelling
   [      0] (lvl  12) an alchemist's tome
   [      0] (lvl  12) a flask of ink
   [      0] (lvl  12) a thorn from the beanstalk
   [      0] (lvl  13) a book of alchemy
   [      0] (lvl  13) the Bloodstone
   [      0] (lvl  13) a wand of water breathing
   [      0] (lvl  13) the book of legends, the dragon elves
   [      0] (lvl  13) the book of legends, the wyvrens
   [      0] (lvl  13) a yellowed skull
   [      0] (lvl  13) an icy blue wand
   [      0] (tot  27) staff of disease and infestation
   [      0] (lvl  14) a golden horn
   [      0] (lvl  14) a book of rainbows
   [      0] (lvl  15) a manual of brewing art
   [      0] (lvl  15) the golden harp
   [      0] (lvl  15) The book of legends, the white draconians
   [      0] (lvl  15) a musty old tome
   [      0] (tot  32) a twisted cane
   [      0] (lvl  16) a torch
   [      0] (lvl  16) a glow wand
   [      0] (lvl  16) a black lantern
   [      0] (lvl  16) a soultrapper rod
   [      0] (lvl  17) a big fat green cigar
   [      0] (lvl  17) a fishing rod
   [      0] (lvl  17) a wand of curse removal
   [      0] (lvl  17) an emerald green rod
   [      0] (lvl  17) a black doctor's bag
   [      0] (lvl  17) a creepy, egg-shaped rattle
   [      0] (lvl  18) The gold-bound silver book
   [      0] (lvl  18) A brightly burning torch
   [      0] (lvl  19) a thin birch wand
   [      0] (lvl  19) a red leather bound book
   [      0] (lvl  19) a black wand of preserving
   [      0] (lvl  19) a blue wand of free spirit
   [      0] (lvl  19) a Coin of Dexterity
   [      0] (lvl  19) a Coin of Strength
   [      0] (lvl  19) a Coin of Wisdom
   [      0] (lvl  19) a Coin of Intelligence
   [      0] (lvl  19) a magical black scepter
   [      0] (lvl  20) The History of Atlantis
   [      0] (lvl  20) an empty glass mug
   [      0] (lvl  20) an insignificant rune
   [      0] (lvl  20) a shiny wooden wand
   [      0] (lvl  21) a warped twig
   [      0] (lvl  21) The Book of Prayers
   [      0] (lvl  14) a birch leaf
   [      0] (lvl  16) a silver holy symbol

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  12) a large bone club
   [      0] (lvl  12) a bronze scythe inlaid with teeth
   [      0] (lvl  13) a legendary greatsword
   [      0] (lvl  15) a skull-topped staff
   [      0] (lvl  16) the hammer of darkness
   [      0] (lvl  16) a monster axe
   [      0] (lvl  17) a spiked blackwood mace
   [      0] (lvl  17) a black crystal greataxe
   [      0] (lvl  17) a rusted dragon lance
   [      0] (lvl  18) a two-handed iron mace
   [      0] (lvl  19) a two-handed dwarven mithril hammer
   [      0] (lvl  19) a black iron warhammer
   [      0] (lvl  19) the axe of thunder
   [      0] (lvl  19) a giantwood club
   [      0] (lvl  19) the demon cleaver
   [      0] (lvl  20) a stack of titanium bars
   [      0] (tot  50) twin knives
   [      0] (lvl  20) a large stone axe
   [      0] (lvl  20) a two handed battlehammer
   [      0] (lvl  21) a heavy jet black mace

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  12) a grave beater
   [      0] (lvl  12) a giant spider fang
   [      0] (lvl  12) an acidic morningstar
   [      0] (lvl  12) a short wooden spear
   [      0] (lvl  12) a halberd
   [      0] (tot  22) a dairy cow skin sling
   [      0] (lvl  13) the Heartseeker
   [      0] (lvl  13) an iron pickaxe
   [      0] (tot  24) a human leg bone
   [      0] (lvl  14) a flaming hammer
   [      0] (lvl  14) a blood-encrusted mace
   [      0] (lvl  14) a worn dudgeon
   [      0] (lvl  14) a shortspear
   [      0] (lvl  15) an orc handaxe
   [      0] (lvl  15) a small curved dagger
   [      0] (lvl  15) a smooth silver mace
   [      0] (tot  30) a belaying pin
   [      0] (lvl  16) a butchers knife
   [      0] (lvl  16) the rod of the Rubicon Magister
   [      0] (lvl  16) a bloody skull
   [      0] (lvl  16) a bull whip
   [      0] (lvl  17) a ball of blades
   [      0] (lvl  17) a consecrated brass censer
   [      0] (lvl  17) a large wooden spear
   [      0] (lvl  17) an icy blue claw
   [      0] (lvl  18) ghost ripper
   [      0] (lvl  19) a harpy claw
   [      0] (lvl  19) a blackened mithril hammer
   [      0] (lvl  19) the staff of dark magic
   [      0] (lvl  19) the horn from a Pleiadian Ship-wrecker
   [      0] (lvl  19) a katana of dark flames
   [      0] (lvl  19) a dragonstar
   [      0] (lvl  20) a hammer of black iron
   [      0] (lvl  20) a yellowed bone spear
   [      0] (tot  52) an oak club
   [      0] (lvl  21) a BIG wooden mace
   [      0] (lvl  22) a thin scimitar
   [      0] (lvl  22) a Mithril battle axe
   [      0] (tot  63) The Mace of Knowledge

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      0] (lvl  12) some gooey smelly bat dung
   [      0] (lvl  12) an oaken spellstaff
   [      0] (lvl  12) a chunk of albite
   [      0] (lvl  12) a milky quartz crystal
   [      0] (lvl  12) a brewing cauldron
   [      0] (lvl  12) a flask of living water
   [      0] (lvl  13) a can of Tornius' Reagent
   [      0] (lvl  13) a gold and silver twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  13) a black and white twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  13) a blood red flower
   [      0] (lvl  13) a nightshade flower
   [      0] (lvl  13) a jade torch that burns with a magical blue flame
   [      0] (lvl  13) a silver pen
   [      0] (lvl  13) a sprig of enlightening sage
   [      0] (tot  25) a tube of bone
   [      0] (lvl  14) a vial of grease
   [      0] (lvl  14) a withered piece of skin
   [      0] (lvl  14) a mug of ice brewed ale
   [      0] (lvl  14) strips of red ash bark
   [      0] (lvl  14) a shark tooth
   [      0] (lvl  14) a tattered old map
   [      0] (lvl  14) an empty clam shell
   [      0] (tot  29) a glassy mauve scapolite
   [      0] (tot  29) a vial of mist
   [      0] (lvl  15) metallic slag
   [      0] (lvl  15) a crude orc arrow
   [      0] (lvl  15) a book titled "Storm Over Coyote Canyon"
   [      0] (lvl  15) a chrysoberyl crystal
   [      0] (lvl  15) a fluorescent green mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  15) tea leaves
   [      0] (lvl  15) a pot of stone soup
   [      0] (lvl  15) a brass cauldron
   [      0] (lvl  15) a bowl of hunter's stew
   [      0] (lvl  15) scattered skeletal remains
   [      0] (lvl  15) a glittering green potion
   [      0] (lvl  16) a vial of green coolant
   [      0] (lvl  16) A janitor's mop bucket
   [      0] (lvl  16) a small metal flask
   [      0] (lvl  16) a scroll of fly
   [      0] (lvl  16) an anti-magic potion
   [      0] (lvl  16) a bluefin tuna
   [      0] (lvl  17) a mooncatcher bottle
   [      0] (tot  38) an azure mithril grip
   [      0] (tot  38) a chunk of hornblende
   [      0] (lvl  17) a tightly rolled scroll
   [      0] (lvl  17) a red and blue twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  17) a deep sea rod
   [      0] (lvl  17) a skunk cabbage root
   [      0] (lvl  17) a small purse of gold coins
   [      0] (tot  38) a clear quartz crystal
   [      0] (lvl  17) Kordish saffron threads
   [      0] (lvl  17) a chert cobble
   [      0] (lvl  17) a fire-hardened dart
   [      0] (lvl  17) the sharp fang of a spider
   [      0] (lvl  17) the tail of a chimera
   [      0] (tot  39) a bar of azure mithril
   [      0] (lvl  18) a piece of driftwood
   [      0] (lvl  18) a sillimanite crystal
   [      0] (lvl  18) a large white bag
   [      0] (lvl  18) a tangle of dodder vines
   [      0] (lvl  18) sorrel leaves
   [      0] (lvl  18) a handful of Kordish rose hips
   [      0] (lvl  18) strips of Kordish fir bark
   [      0] (lvl  18) a large bluecap mushroom
   [      0] (tot  45) a handful of snap lance
   [      0] (lvl  19) magic black
   [      0] (lvl  19) a bloodthorn scar
   [      0] (lvl  19) a wild rose
   [      0] (lvl  19) an empty bottle of ale
   [      0] (lvl  19) a bunch of red gooseberries
   [      0] (lvl  20) a medium shell from a fox hornet
   [      0] (lvl  20) sugilite spangles
   [      0] (tot  50) a toaster
   [      0] (lvl  20) a red mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  20) a black mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  20) some powdery gray mold
   [      0] (lvl  20) a mouth-watering roasted human
   [      0] (lvl  20) bonemeal
   [      0] (tot  54) a lead urn
   [      0] (lvl  22) gravedust
   [      0] (lvl  22) a pile of black ashes


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