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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  A hole in the wall (
Location:    Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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Prev Item - [    350] (lvl   8) a heavily enchanted crystal bladed dagger
Curr Item - [    350] (lvl   8) a vile staff of blackwood
Next Item - [    350] (lvl  10) the goblin slayer

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'black vile staff blackwood wood wooden'
Weight: 3  Size: 3'0"  Level: 8
Type: WEAPON   Composition: BLACKWOOD
Requires 12 strength to wield.
Weapon damage: 3 to 24 nonorm pound   Weapon speed: slow

Item has effects as:
Affects:  DRUID_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  MANA by 5

Item description:
This long staff has been crafted out of a thick black wood that feels
cold to the touch. Etched along the entire length of the staff are vile
runes that glow a dark red. A strong presence of evil can be felt as you
run your fingers over the runes. 


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