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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Location:    The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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Prev Item - [   5000] (tot 150) a bronze dragonscale shield
Curr Item - [   5000] (tot 151) the shell from a hydrax
Next Item - [   3000] (tot 157) a carbon steel shield

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'hydrax crab shell blue '
Weight: 50  Size: 8'0"  Total levels: 151 
Type: ARMOR   Composition: SHELL   Defense: 60 ac-apply
Object is:  
Wear locations are:  2_SHIELD 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  SIZE by 1
Affects:  ABSORB_ZAP by 3
Affects:  SAVING_ZAP by 5%
Affects:  SAVING_POISON by 10%
Affects:  DEX by 1

Item description:
This large shell looks as if it was made out of ice, but is actually
the outer protection of a hydrax. Short spikes cover the outer
surface and along the inner side is a groove that one could easily
grip to use the shell like a shield. Any and all ice spells cast on a
hydrax is quickly absorbed by the creature and it is very likely this
shell could do the same thing. 


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