Alter Aeon Socials
When done with no target specified:
Self: You wiggle your nose in deep thought.
Others: Conan wiggles it, but just a little bit.
When targeting yourself:
Self: You wiggle your hips for the sheer pleasure of it.
Others: Conan wiggles his hips suggestively, but is probably just lost in self-lust.
When targeting someone else:
Self: You know Sonja wants it.
Others: Conan wiggles it attempting to gain the respect and admiration of Sonja.
Target: Conan wiggles his hips suggestively at you.
When targeting someone else who isn't there:
Self: They seem to have wiggled away.
When targeting an object:
Self: You wiggle a mud school diploma at the world and mumble incoherently about the new generation.
Others: Conan shakes a mud school diploma and gives the air a lecture on morality and frugality.
Social is flagged as: ANNOYANCE
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