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Alter Aeon Area - Castle Avalon

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Recommended Area Level:  33
Creator(s):              bloodlust xandar
Location:                The Mainland of Atmir

Nearby Areas   -
South          - Castle Camelot
North          - Village of Stoke-on-the-Mound
South          - Avalon Hill
Northeast      - Sunken castle, Lufia's Folly
Southwest      - An Abandoned Citadel

Related Quests -
Level 38       - Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.
Level 39       - Retrieved the body of Arthur from Thendulomassar
Level 39       - Retrieved the Scimitar of Souls for Avalon
Level 39       - Defeated the hellborn vampire
Level 39       - Captured another demon to replace Asranth and keep t...

Castle Avalon is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Avalon.  It sits at
the peak of a hill that overlooks the lowlands that surround it.  It was
supposedly built on top of the lair of the Stone Dragon after he was
defeated by the Mist Dragon centuries ago. 

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