Alter Aeon Area - Skull caverns
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Recommended Area Level: 22
Creator(s): morpheus jahmeir
Location: The Island of Archais
Nearby Areas -
Northwest - The sewers below Gad's Landing
Northwest - The City of Gad's Landing
East - The Lotus Monastery
Southeast - Thieves den near Gad's Mountain
Northeast - Gad's Mountain Trade Road
Related Quests -
Level 25 - Freed Larry the musician from the Skull caverns.
Level 25 - Freed Moe the musician from the Skull caverns.
Level 25 - Freed Curlie the musician from the Skull caverns.
Level 22 - Cruelly killed a pair of unarmed and severely beaten...
Level 22 - Freed some slaves from the cruel pain and torture of...
Level 25 - Avenged the death of a woman's only child.
Level 25 - Used a disguise to join the Ghost-face Orc Clan
Level 25 - Prevented the ghostface orcs from gaining access to ...
This is a level 22 area located to the southeast of Gad's Landing. It is a
highly aggro area with several quests and all kinds of goodies. You may
want to look at the sign in with Fudnik and be sure you meet all the
requirements and then talk to Fudnik the gnomish barkeep and Captain
Hammerhead in Gad's Landing before heading down into the area.