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Alter Aeon Areas - Complete List

This list of areas is provided by the Aozumi branch of the Ralnoth
Cartographers Guild.  Detailed maps of some of the more explored
areas are available from any Guild branch office, for a small
donation used only to help fund expeditions into the unknown.

Show only areas for: The Island of Sloe
Show only areas for: The Island of Kordan
Show only areas for: The Island of Archais
Show only areas for: The Mainland of Atmir
Show only areas for: The Continent of Ramanek
Show only areas for: The Continent of Suboria
Show only areas for: The Continent of Gianasi
Show only areas for: Magical Realms
Show only areas for: The Demon Realms
Show only areas for: The Realms of Light
Show only areas for: Outer Planar Realms

The Island of Sloe

The island of Sloe lies west of the island of Kordan, and is
home to many newbie and low level areas.  This is a safe haven
for lower levels, and most new players begin the game here.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[    1] The Refugee Camp                                 dentin draak
[    2] The Grassy Field                                 dentin
[    3] The Stony Field                                  dentin morpheus
[    4] The cave system near Pellam                      dentin
[    5] The Cemetery near Pellam                         dentin draak
[    6] Pellam Cemetery Crypts                           dentin draak
[    7] La Costa Ventosa                                 draak
[    7] The Kobold camp                                  dentin inessa
[    8] Town of Pellam                                   dentin draak shift
[    8] The False Temple                                 morpheus dentin
[    8] Fort Marguera                                    shadowfax
[    9] The Greenwood                                    draak
[    9] The Vemarken Hidden Gardens                      aleph
[    9] Pilar's Hideaway                                 shadowfax
[   10] The Gorro's Nose, north-central Sloe             draak
[   10] Gocholandia, Central Sloe                        draak
[   10] Town of Vemarken                                 dentin draak morpheus
[   10] The Vemarken tower of Learning                   morpheus jahmeir
[   10] The Ruins of Venezia                             shadowfax
[   10] Vault of the Fallen Star                         shadowfax
[   10] Grotto Oxidado                                   shadowfax draak
[   11] The farming community of Hildabrad               reorx shrew
[   11] The Polliwog Swamp                               astarte
[   11] Village of Bandera Azul                          shadowfax
[   11] The Blue Marshes                                 draak
[   11] Village of Stillwater                            draak shadowfax

The Island of Kordan

The island of Kordan lies west of the island of Archais, and is
suitable for low to mid level players between levels 10 and 20.
This is also a safe haven, and most new players who leave Sloe
go next to Kordan to continue their adventures.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   12] The old Indira ruins                             morpheus
[   12] Spider forest and bixies, combined instance      morpheus
[   12] The Grumditch and Kentwig copper mine            morpheus dentin
[   12] The Brown House                                  firebird
[   12] The Town of Indira                               dentin draak
[   12] The Indira Junkyard                              draak
[   12] The Eastern Indira Forest                        dentin morpheus inessa
[   13] The Holy Grove                                   c.a.w.
[   13] The Forgotten Muskeg                             draak mutt bladimir bacon scorge indigo
[   13] Gnomian Village                                  morpheus inessa dentin
[   13] Gnomian Village Mole Tunnels                     morpheus inessa dentin
[   13] Castle Ket                                       capitolina draak shadowfax
[   14] The Mad Alchemist's Castle                       brawn morpheus
[   14] The Indira School of Illusion                    dragonsinger dentin
[   14] Ancalador, the Stone Dragon                      c.a.w.
[   14] The Lost Outpost                                 tanthas dentin
[   14] The Cerulean Shore                               capitolina draak
[   15] Thalos graveyard catacombs                       c.a.w.
[   15] The New Thalos Graveyard                         astarte dentin morpheus
[   15] The Haunted Crypts                               coolbeans satirus 
[   15] Kordan haunted hills                             dentin
[   15] The Naphtali tower of Learning                   morpheus jahmeir
[   16] The city of New Thalos                           draak
[   16] The Kordwood, southern Kordan                    draak
[   16] The imp infested caverns                         jezrien
[   16] The underground city of Runn-Khal                morpheus
[   17] The Orc Village                                  prong
[   17] The giant beanstalk                              taran morpheus
[   17] Forest west of Naphtali                          draak
[   17] Island Kordan, town of Naphtali                  draak morpheus
[   17] Maze of the black minotaur                       morpheus Jahmeir
[   17] Catacombs below Naphtali                         wyvren morpheus
[   18] The Hidden Moogle Village                        morpheus
[   18] The Caves of Mendelius                           morpheus inessa dentin
[   18] Qoorik's Underground Lair                        morpheus inessa dentin
[   18] Island near Kordan                               gandor
[   19] Clearwater Beach                                 morpheus
[   19] Ancestral Island                                 morpheus
[   19] The northern Pleiad islands                      morpheus
[   19] The southern Pleiad islands                      morpheus
[   19] Village of Idlewood                              morpheus

The Island of Archais

The island of Archais lies east of the island of Kordan, and is
suitable for mid level players between levels 18 and 29.  Players
who leave Kordan often go here prior to leaving for the mainland.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   20] The Village of Seaside                           morpheus inessa dentin
[   20] Taber Bros Carnival                              nuriel morpheus
[   20] The Town of Northshore                           gandor morpheus
[   21] Castle Kraftrager                                morpheus dentin inessa dalamar
[   21] Rogue Settlement                                 shift
[   21] The Archais Archipelago                          inessa morpheus 
[   21] Smuggler's Cove                                  inessa morpheus dentin
[   21] Tainted forest north of Smuggler's Cove          morpheus 
[   22] The Nurgling Mound                               heart
[   22] The Nurgling Swamp                               slamin morpheus
[   22] The sewers below Gad's Landing                   morpheus jahmeir slamin  
[   22] Skull caverns                                    morpheus jahmeir
[   22] Swamp north of Gad's Landing                     kagome
[   22] The City of Gad's Landing                        morpheus
[   22] Thieves den near Gad's Mountain                  inessa
[   23] The Viking village raid                          loki
[   23] The Lotus Monastery                              morpheus merlin
[   23] The Forest of Brom                               myrel corallon
[   23] The Ashire Orchard and Pasture                   myrel corallon
[   23] Battlefield of Caer Manydd                       tanthas mystique
[   24] Gad's Mountain South                             wyvren dentin
[   24] The caverns of Luckleaf                          slamin bamboo morpheus
[   24] Magnolia Hill                                    myrel corallon
[   24] Gad's Mountain Trade Road                        dentin morpheus shift
[   24] Winzigklein the city of the cliff gnomes         tanthas myrel mystique
[   24] Vernal Aeternum, the Wooded Fortress             myrel mystique
[   24] The Ghostlight Bog                               myrel corallon mystique
[   24] Terawood, the Ancestral Lands                    myrel corallon tanthas mystique
[   25] Azeroth Keep                                     dentin morpheus
[   25] A decimated drow city                            myrel morpheus
[   25] Inn of the Lonely Wanderer                       morpheus
[   25] The Mansion of Darsakius                         morpheus inessa dentin astarte
[   25] Fort Magnesia                                    bamboo
[   25] The tinker gnome colony                          morpheus aleph
[   25] Catacombs below Azeroth                          satirus morpheus dentin   myrel
[   26] The Wyvren Forest                                astarte
[   26] The fetid Caves of Pestilence                    morpheus jahmeir 
[   26] The Blackwater Hollows Swamp                     morpheus
[   26] Shadowclaw swamp                                 morpheus inessa jahmeir
[   26] Village of Woodhaven                             morpheus jahmeir 
[   26] The Amber Forest                                 morpheus jahmeir
[   26] Fort Ironcliff                                   morpheus myrel
[   26] The dwarven stronghold of Runn-Faru              morpheus myrel
[   26] The Dragon Tooth tower of Higher Learning        morpheus jahmeir
[   26] Mount Jahtaras                                   morpheus myrel
[   27] Spider Caves                                     astarte brawn morpheus
[   27] Tyranid caves                                    alf duncan osprey
[   27] The Svirfneblin ruins                            grimflame myrel
[   27] Loric Memorial Hospital                          valront
[   27] Dragon Tooth graveyard & port village            dentin morpheus
[   27] The Town of Dragon Tooth                         shift morpheus
[   27] Dragon Tooth Mines                               shift morpheus
[   27] Archais Troll Caves                              inessa dragonsinger
[   27] A secluded house in the woods                    tanthas
[   27] The Village of Iron Bay                          tanthas
[   28] The Trogdolyte City                              dragonsinger dentin
[   28] Dark Forest of Archais                           dentin
[   28] The Dragon Tooth research guild                  morpheus myrel
[   28] The Monastery of Dreams                          morpheus jahmeir
[   28] The Village of Cranston Hills                    meccano morpheus
[   28] The Cloud Academy                                bamboo kenai

The Mainland of Atmir

The mainland continent of Alter Aeon, known as Atmir, is the most explored and
best understood region on the world.  There exist a great many diverse lands,
but the majority of them are higher level and may
not be safe for lower level players.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[    5] Bulletin Board Central Hub                       dentin morpheus
[   29] The City of Ralnoth                              everyone
[   29] The Arbor Forest, east of Ralnoth                dentin heart
[   29] The southern Zephyr Forest                       kenai
[   29] The fishing village of Siviri                    charis
[   29] The North Ralnoth Slums                          coolbeans prong  myrel
[   29] Skerrit's Haven, the centaur village             maxx vember
[   29] North Ralnoth coastal plain                      dentin
[   29] The Zephyr Forest, west of Ralnoth               dentin
[   29] The mad druid's refuge                           arislan tanthas
[   29] Underground Chess Tournament                     islaine
[   29] The Celestial Circle                             draak
[   29] The Blue Mound                                   draak
[   29] The Ralnoth Fen                                  draak
[   29] Sewers under Ralnoth                             kronoss draak
[   29] Happy Cliff Sanitarium                           locane ralithune
[   29] some no-name village                             strife
[   30] The Great Southern Road                          kenai dentin
[   30] The Western Forest                               wyvren
[   30] Quicklings west of Ralnoth                       wyvren
[   30] On the Green River                               dentin astarte
[   30] L the Magnificent's Magical Topiary Garden       os shadowfax ancalagon
[   30] Dark Forest East Graveyard                       dancer
[   30] Clan Unforgiven area, west of Ralnoth            kralen shadowfax
[   30] Castle Dragnok                                   kefka morpheus
[   30] Kitsune Island                                   vember
[   30] Mount Zendular                                   reddogg
[   30] Village of Vom                                   draak shadowfax watery
[   30] Isle of the Red Rose                             deroth bruenor gandor shadowfax
[   30] The Ralnoth Guilds Mining Cooperative            seren nidari
[   30] The ruined castle of Radobaj                     shadowfax draak
[   30] Wallachia City                                   draak shadowfax winston
[   30] Dark Forest East of Ralnoth                      dentin
[   31] The Candlewood Forest                            aleph
[   31] The Old Mud University in Ralnoth                fikh xael
[   31] Old Thalos                                       dentin
[   31] Olympus                                          charis maxx
[   31] The Ash Mountain Foothills                       dancer
[   31] Sewers under Old Thalos                          dentin squeak
[   31] Fields north of Old Thalos                       dentin squeak
[   31] Old Thalos arts district                         squeak
[   31] Drow mines under Old Thalos                      shadowfax squeak
[   31] Old Thalos tunnels                               squeak
[   31] Khal-Uktar, the Dwarven Marketplace              dentin
[   31] North Rubicon Woods                              maxx vember
[   31] Dargonesti, water elves beneath north ocean      sephiroth shadowfax
[   31] The were-panther warrens                         kitten morpheus
[   31] The dwarven kingdom of Khal-MinDur               raganar morpheus
[   31] The Northern Ocean                               shadowfax ancalagon
[   31] Skaven lair                                      shadowfax jedi
[   31] The Golemist's Tower                             xo
[   31] The Waterwood, near Khal-Uktar                   dentin
[   31] Mountain Paths near Khal-Uktar                   dentin
[   32] Chaos                                            dentin
[   32] Thalenwood forest and Trinsic                    bobcat morpheus
[   32] The drow outpost                                 bobcat morpheus
[   32] The Rose Cathedral                               xandar vember bloodlust
[   32] Mad Castle                                       vember
[   32] Khal-Moria, the dwarven mines and catacombs      dentin
[   32] An Abandoned Citadel                             bloodlust
[   32] Village of Sussex                                shadowfax druid grolantor
[   32] Town of Corinium and Broceliande Forest          shadowfax pariah
[   32] The Fields of Florin                             vember shadowfax
[   32] Castle Ogden                                     maxx
[   32] The Midlands                                     shadowfax
[   32] The Hinterlands                                  shadowfax draak capitolina
[   32] Avalon Hill                                      islaine shadowfax gandor
[   32] A carnival on Avalon Hill                        shadowfax feoric
[   32] Village of Stoke-on-the-Mound                    mathayas guillermo pharel keiser shadowfax
[   32] Forest of Tirgoth                                unk
[   32] The Florin-Verian Flowage                        shadowfax bloodlust
[   32] Castle Camelot                                   shadowfax
[   32] Green River Valley                               shadowfax
[   32] The Western Atmiri Coast                         draak morpheus
[   32] The witch house                                  anonymous gandor
[   32] The Town of Orton                                gandor
[   32] Mountains west of Orton                          gandor
[   32] Darring Road                                     gandor
[   32] South Rubicon Woods                              dentin shadowfax
[   32] The edge of the southern desert                  wyvren dentin
[   33] Nemean Fields                                    wyvren brak
[   33] The Stone Giant Stronghold                       dancer
[   33] Daigaku-Tatami, capital of Kurita Province       aleph
[   33] The Jade Lake                                    dancer
[   33] The Zulu Empire                                  flee brak
[   33] Royal palace of Daigaku-Tatami                   aleph
[   33] The City of Dreahul                              jezrien octopus
[   33] The Sinar'i Valley                               tempus morpheus jezrien
[   33] The Southern Ocean                               vember
[   33] The Lost Catacombs of Khal-Moria                 darklord tarrant
[   33] West Thalenwood Forest                           coolbeans gandor shadowfax
[   33] Colony of Nueva Granada                          shadowfax
[   33] Hedge Maze, Lufia's Folly                        shadowfax chance osiris
[   33] Underground Tunnels, Lufia's Folly               shadowfax chance osiris
[   33] Sunken castle, Lufia's Folly                     shadowfax chance osiris
[   33] The Troll Downs                                  draak
[   33] The Alarba desert, land of legends               aziz
[   33] Forest of Brigands                               draak shadowfax
[   33] Village of Inari                                 bloodlust
[   33] Castle Avalon                                    bloodlust xandar
[   33] Village of Inari, secret lair                    xandar bloodlust
[   33] The griffin infested peak                        draak
[   33] Angels' Cry                                      xandar
[   33] East Thalenwood Forest                           shadowfax
[   33] The Greenhole                                    strife
[   33] The Kingdom City of Vandar                       gandor
[   33] The Verian River and Marsh                       gandor
[   33] Province of Cornia                               shadowfax
[   33] The White Tower                                  aeolis
[   33] White Sands Abbey                                shadowfax udyr
[   33] The Desert City of Linholt                       gandor
[   33] Bugbear tunnels                                  gandor
[   33] The coastal town of Southport                    gandor
[   33] Nakato's Valley                                  dentin kenai
[   33] Vandar Regional Prison                           gandor
[   34] The Great Desert, south                          brawn
[   34] Aztec Palace and Temple                          draak shadowfax
[   34] Tenochtitlan the Aztec City                      shadowfax draak
[   34] Tomb under Nueva Granada                         shadowfax
[   34] The Kurita Graveyard                             draak
[   34] Southern Aztec Jungle                            shadowfax islaine
[   34] The Sashala fortress                             shadowfax
[   34] The Aztec Jungle                                 draak shadowfax
[   34] Palo Verde region                                draak shadowfax
[   34] The Aztec Empire                                 shadowfax draak
[   34] Southern Ocean, south of mainland                draak shadowfax
[   34] Hamlet of Basho-Shio                             shadowfax draak
[   34] Village of Hisui                                 draak
[   34] Village of Bo Shin Tao                           shadowfax draak
[   34] The Great Desert, north                          draak shadowfax
[   34] Town of Brodin                                   gandor ruthen
[   34] The Kurita Province                              draak shadowfax
[   34] The Adarin Desert                                gandor
[   34] The Great Trench                                 gandor
[   34] Rock Gnome Caves                                 gandor
[   34] Ruined Temple                                    occam phaug kelnale gandor
[   34] The City of Koralia's Heart                      kelnale gandor
[   34] The Pollution Lake                               gandor kalus
[   35] Jo'Kerin, the Cursed City                        heart
[   35] Jo'Kerin - Northern Foothills                    heart
[   35] The Jo'Kerin Gardens                             heart
[   35] The fire caverns of Lux                          aleph
[   35] Jo'Kerin Coliseum Stands                         heart
[   35] Foothills west of Jo'Kerin                       heart
[   35] Phtom Island                                     phtom
[   35] Halite Caverns beneath the salt flats            draak
[   35] Gith territory on Phtom Island                   shadowfax phtom
[   35] The City of Hartmur                              tempus khrystyne morpheus
[   35] Pyramid in Jade Jungle                           dowart
[   35] Temple of Schlyne                                shadowfax schlyne
[   35] Khal-Toresh, the Dwarf Village                   firebird morpheus jezrien
[   35] The Ash mountains                                dentin dancer
[   35] Ash mountain druids                              dentin morpheus
[   35] Shadow Assassin Guildhall                        dancer
[   35] The Jo'Kerin bazaar                              heart
[   35] The Kingdom of Kookien                           draak shadowfax
[   35] Shrine Hills                                     heart
[   35] Village of Xochitl                               draak shadowfax
[   35] The Jade Jungle                                  shadowfax dowart
[   35] The Kings' Highway                               draak shadowfax
[   35] Fire giants and Abyrimoch                        dentin
[   35] Temple of Magar courtyard and cemetery           shadowfax celestia darkmoon
[   35] Lake Texcoco, beneath Tenochtitlan               draak shadowfax
[   35] The Swamps of Sorrow                             draak shadowfax
[   35] Malitad Island                                   saithes
[   35] The salt flats                                   draak shadowfax
[   35] The Lost Kingdom of Q'thelas                     draak shadowfax
[   35] The outpost of Draj                              shadowfax draak
[   35] Shi'mon Island                                   saithes
[   35] Village of Huixtocihuatl                         draak shadowfax
[   35] The Dust Sea                                     shadowfax draak
[   35] The tunnels of the Kuo-toan tribe                aziz jezrien
[   35] The Naginag Combine Royal Navy                   draak shadowfax
[   35] Fire Giants - Ancient Chambers                   dentin morpheus
[   35] Tunnels below fire giants                        morpheus dentin inessa
[   35] North Ash Mountains                              dentin morpheus inessa
[   35] Jo'Kerin Coliseum Arena                          heart
[   36] The Mud Volcano                                  draak
[   36] Haunted Mansion in Hartmur                       kefka valront
[   36] Mount Knochenaufsatz                             draak shadowfax
[   36] The Giftsmarsch                                  draak
[   36] Shazer, the place of tunnels                     draak
[   36] The Rogonian refugee camp                        cryos
[   36] Along the Greywater                              draak
[   36] The Mazon Plateau                                shadowfax draak
[   36] Grippli Lake                                     shadowfax
[   36] The Rud'Jali Desert                              glorida ralithune draak
[   36] Island of Nani Makana                            kagome
[   36] The Zin Memorial Mental Wellness Center          draak shadowfax
[   36] The Fire Towers                                  locane ralithune
[   36] Obsidian trolls                                  shadowfax cobra
[   36] City of Ubar                                     glorida shadowfax
[   36] The Ubar Keep and Minaret                        glorida shadowfax
[   36] The Town of Zin                                  draak shadowfax
[   36] Rud'Jali Desert Oasis                            draak ralithune
[   36] Myconid colony under the Giftsmarsch             unclejemima draak
[   36] The village of Gumrooj                           draak
[   36] The village of U'lugl                            draak
[   36] Minetown, west of Behr'zok                       draak shadowfax
[   36] The Abwal Mine, beneath Ubar                     glorida
[   36] Haun's Mill                                      draak shadowfax
[   36] K'tinrooj along the upper K'tinga River          draak shadowfax
[   36] K'tin Lake                                       draak shadowfax
[   36] The city of Natchsburg                           draak shadowfax
[   36] The village of Albion                            shadowfax draak
[   36] The necropolis of Q'monmwer                      draak shadowfax
[   36] The desolation of U'ras                          draak shadowfax
[   36] The Southern Hills                               shadowfax
[   36] Southern Ocean sea caves                         draak
[   36] Southern Ocean, east of mainland                 draak shadowfax
[   36] The Jo'Kerin Pass                                draak shadowfax
[   36] The Sarce Plains                                 draak shadowfax
[   36] The Elwood                                       xo draak
[   36] Northern Ash mountains and small valley          morpheus
[   36] Jo'Kerin - Lake of Blood                         heart grolantor
[   37] The Atlantis Library                             meccano laith phtom
[   37] The city of Atlantis                             meccano brak phtom
[   37] The Labyrinth                                    dancer aleph
[   37] The village of Marikest                          draak grimflame
[   37] Brightstone Keep                                 draak
[   37] The Atlantis Academy                             meccano phtom
[   37] The lost armory                                  draak
[   37] The Killing Fields of Sallipis                   draak shadowfax
[   37] Inside the Malahaki Falulua                      kagome shadowfax
[   37] The Wilderness of Zin                            shadowfax draak
[   37] Sunken temple of Magar                           shadowfax
[   37] The lower K'tinga River                          draak shadowfax
[   37] The city of Behr'zok                             draak shadowfax
[   37] Gthl'rooj and the Trollway                       draak shadowfax
[   37] The Dje Road                                     draak shadowfax
[   37] The village of Dje                               draak shadowfax
[   37] Ooahu, on the Trollway                           draak shadowfax
[   37] The Ash Desert, acid lakes                       draak
[   37] The Ash Desert region                            draak
[   37] The Ash Desert, leeward dunes                    draak
[   37] The Zin Cemetery                                 shift draak
[   37] Island of Hakahaka                               kagome
[   37] The Murlock Swamp                                draak shadowfax
[   37] Q'Seneg, the failed outpost                      draak shadowfax
[   37] A mountain fortress                              draak
[   37] D'nogal Island                                   draak shadowfax
[   37] Eastern Island                                   draak shadowfax
[   37] An uncharted island                              shadowfax draak
[   37] A burned out forest                              kagome
[   37] Fire Swamps                                      kagome
[   37] Dikeman's Atoll                                  draak shadowfax
[   37] The Ignora Trench                                draak shadowfax
[   37] The Ashborian Plateau                            draak
[   37] Village of Silverwind                            morpheus inessa
[   37] The Dwarven Stronghold of Khal-Rin               morpheus inessa
[   37] The caves of trial                               morpheus inessa
[   37] Western Mengaw Forest                            shadowfax
[   37] Island of Maoi                                   kagome
[   37] The city of Ironheart                            aziz alessandra
[   38] Labyrinth section 3                              dancer aleph
[   38] The Ash Desert, deep clefts                      draak
[   38] The Viscounty of Rogonia                         draak shadowfax casualty
[   38] The Eisenmere, the Iron Sea                      draak shadowfax
[   38] The Mines of Minos                               draak shadowfax
[   38] The Ash Desert, dead reefs                       draak
[   38] The Gulf of Takar                                shadowfax draak
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, catacombs           draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, crypts              draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, sewers              draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Silver Palace       draak shadowfax
[   38] Barbary Bridge Road                              draak shadowfax
[   38] The Sas'kwal Dale                                draak shadowfax
[   38] The Donnerbucht, the Bay of Thunder              draak capitolina
[   38] The Tower of Power                               draak shadowfax
[   38] West Naginag                                     draak shadowfax
[   38] The Ash Desert, Mount Sartus                     draak
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Military District   draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Mesco's Wall        draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Market District     shadowfax draak
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Old City            shadowfax draak kagome
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Government District draak shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, Docks District      draak shadowfax
[   38] The Fortress of Sutton Vu                        draak shadowfax
[   38] Sahuagin Coral Reef                              shadowfax
[   38] The capital city of Naginag, North District      kagome shadowfax
[   38] The tunnels of Gorthic                           aziz
[   38] The Silverwind Keep                              morpheus
[   38] The Ash Desert, Astral Codex                     draak dentin
[   39] The Takari Trade Road, eastern Dunn Hurr         draak shadowfax
[   39] The Duchy of Takar                               draak shadowfax dalamar
[   39] The Rittermark                                   dowart draak shadowfax
[   39] The Gauntlet, western Dunn Hurr                  shadowfax draak
[   39] The Village of Eisdorf                           draak shadowfax kralen
[   39] Dunnhurst the Fair                               draak
[   39] The Aalfhaum Vale, in the Dunn Hurr              draak shadowfax
[   39] The Karnash Mine, in the Dunn Hurr               alessandra aziz
[   39] The Jungfrau River, the Dunn Hurr                draak shadowfax
[   39] Mount Blitzstadt                                 draak shadowfax
[   39] The deeps of the Dunn Hurr                       draak shadowfax
[   39] The secrets of the Dunn Hurr                     draak shadowfax
[   39] The Baronetcy of Anchorhead                      shadowfax draak kagome lionad
[   39] The Giant's Knee, by Lake Jungfrau               draak
[   39] The Northern Ocean near the White Coast          kagome shadowfax
[   39] Caer Bre'en Valley                               byung
[   39] The Karnash Peninsula, northern Dunn Hurr        shadowfax draak
[   39] The Wasserwald in the Dunn Hurr                  draak
[   39] The White Coast                                  draak shadowfax
[   39] Cape Sovestia                                    kagome
[   50] Primordial Chaos                                 draak

The Continent of Ramanek

The continent of Ramanek lies north of the mainland, and is known for
being sparsely inhabited and exceedingly dangerous.  It is recommended that
only high levels visit.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   42] Village of Votara                                tarrant morpheus
[   42] Grae Keep                                        tarrant
[   42] Northern mountains                               tarrant
[   42] Village of Tarmor                                tarrant morpheus
[   42] The Ramanek wasteland                            tarrant
[   42] Wizard's Tomb                                    tarrant
[   42] Kithika the accursed city                        morpheus jahmeir  meccano
[   42] The Wyvinian Stronghold                          morpheus
[   42] Underwater ruins, watery passages                morpheus
[   42] Underwater ruins, the lost city                  morpheus
[   42] Underwater ruins, the lost kingdom               morpheus
[   42] Underwater ruins, the lost dungeons              morpheus
[   42] The Caverns of Charstal                          morpheus jahmeir
[   42] The hidden valley of Erom Bhooj                  meccano jahmeir morpheus
[   42] The mountain fortress of Erom Bhooj              meccano jahmeir morpheus
[   43] The Island of Seriphus                           morpheus
[   43] Hidden passages under the Island of Seriphus     morpheus inessa
[   43] Port Crimsonia                                   morpheus virgo tanthas inessa jezrien
[   43] Subterranean ruins                               tarrant
[   43] Subterranean ruins, buried city                  tarrant
[   43] Subterranean ruins, guarded depths               tarrant
[   43] Subterranean ruins, inner sanctum                tarrant
[   43] The capital city of Airam, Marketplace and Castlemorpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Emerald City                                 morpheus myrel
[   43] Caves of Cirustal                                morpheus
[   43] The capital city of Airam, Residential and Research Facilitymorpheus jahmeir boreas

The Continent of Suboria

The continent of Suboria lies south of the mainland and can only be reached
by ship. It is believed to be a great archipelago, with its southern portions joined
together by vast sheets of ice. The eastern half of Suboria is rumored to hold the Yuki
Province, the seat of the fabled Dragon Emperor. Western Suboria is home to various
large human cities as well settlements of drow, gnolls and giants. The boldest explorers
travel south across the eastern Ice Lands to find frozen mountains stalked by
predators and undead.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   40] The Aggerazzi Swamp                              dancer valront
[   40] Jungle and swamp                                 dancer
[   40] The City of Elborat                              morpheus inessa taran
[   40] Ilfing Road                                      morpheus draak
[   40] The Tombs of the Forgotten                       morpheus boreas emiko 
[   40] The Salt Pan, western Suboria                    draak
[   40] The Village of Newtonia                          shadowfax cygnii
[   40] The Cauldron, west Suboria                       draak
[   40] The Village of Egmondville                       shadowfax shrew
[   40] The Torsius Wasteland                            ruin valront
[   40] The Shii'lok Mountain peaks                      ruin valront
[   40] Frost giant stronghold                           ruin valront
[   40] Kora'tur                                         doa valront
[   40] Tashadar, city of the drow                       doa valront kuranes
[   40] Swamp Dwarves                                    taran morpheus
[   40] The city of Dorna                                tanthas
[   40] The Kingdom of Darcadia                          morpheus
[   40] Land of Arcadia                                  morpheus
[   40] The Shady Vale                                   morpheus
[   40] Bonechewer Gnoll Camp                            valront corallon
[   40] Road along the River Ilfing                      morpheus taran
[   40] The City of Finspang                             taran morpheus
[   40] The Valmor mine                                  valront morpheus
[   40] The City of Kings                                morpheus dentin
[   40] The Disused Fane                                 dentin morpheus inessa taran
[   40] Headhunter Island                                morpheus inessa ralithune
[   40] A woodland retreat                               heart grolantor
[   40] The Shii'lok Mountain Ice Fortress               dentin morpheus inessa
[   40] Pygmy island                                     brak
[   40] The City of Shill'tara                           brak meccano
[   41] The Hill Giant Kingdom                           fikh brak
[   41] The Firbolg Forest                               fikh brak
[   41] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Imperial Archives  arislan cygnii draak
[   41] The Dragon's Dish                                draak
[   41] Suboria, deepling realms                         draak
[   41] The Coral Castle                                 draak
[   41] The Ryuu Rookery and Mines                       draak
[   41] The Tomb of Shenlong                             draak capitolina
[   41] Ishi Province                                    draak
[   41] The Isle of Riaza                                draak
[   41] The Ryuu Graveyard                               draak
[   41] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Public Halls       draak
[   41] The Ice Wastes                                   draak
[   41] The Dragon's Path                                draak
[   41] Yuki Province                                    draak
[   42] Palace of the Dragon Emperor, Garden and Keep    draak shadowfax
[   42] The Ice Barrier                                  draak
[   42] The Ice Lands                                    draak
[   42] The Shiroi Sora Monastery                        draak
[   42] The Misuto-Shima Ruins                           draak capitolina
[   42] The Misuto-Shima Province                        draak
[   42] The Ayakashi Archipelago                         draak
[   42] The Inner Sea of Suboria                         draak
[   42] A remnant of Drakdrol                            shadowfax kagome

The Continent of Gianasi

This massive island is located in the western portion of the Southern
Ocean. It is ringed by rugged cliffs, and there are few safe place
to make landfall. Many a sailor has told stories of the giant monsters
inhabiting the interior, but they may just be tall tales.
There are numerous smaller island around it, some with small settlements.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   43] Island of Jahmecca                               morpheus jahmeir meccano
[   43] Corona Island                                    morpheus jahmeir meccano trel
[   43] Continent of Gianasi, Pilgia Lake, River, and Marshmorpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Garkgia Jungle     morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Ravagarkgia Forest morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Continent of Gianasi, The Platgia Swamp      morpheus jahmeir boreas
[   43] The Island of Morjah                             morpheus jahmeir
[   43] Isle of the Dead                                 morpheus jahmeir meccano trel
[   43] Cliffside Island                                 jahmeir meccano trel morpheus
[   43] Jahmeir's golems                                 meccano jahmeir morpheus

Magical Realms

These alternate areas are known to be within the bounds of magic
and conventional rules of reality, but their precise location is
not known.  These areas may or may not be safe.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   32] The Shifting Dimensional Forest                  islaine
[   34] The everlit depths of Thuoduhr                   jezrien octopus

The Demon Realms

In the furtherest reaches of the universe are dark, chaotic worlds
inhabited by highly magical beings known as demons.Their societies
range from highly organized kingdoms overseen by god-like Archdemons to
primitive beast-like packs ruled by the strongest and most savage. More
peaceable demons often commune with mortals, though this intercourse is
bound by strictly worded Accords set in place by the gods.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   33] Elemental plane of darkness, forest              gandor
[   35] Plane of Chaos, castle                           xandar
[   35] Plane of Chaos, fortress                         xandar shadowfax
[   35] Plane of Chaos, sanctuary                        shadowfax xandar
[   36] Plane of Chaos, dragon lair                      kagome shadowfax
[   37] The Scarlet Fields, the Demon Realm              locane ralithune
[   38] The Tower of Mictlan                             draak
[   39] The Inn of the Silent Centaur                    draak capitolina
[   40] Monastery in the Ash Desert                      draak
[   42] Demiplane near Grae Keep                         tarrant
[   43] Elemental plane of darkness, echo                draak
[   43] Elemental plane of darkness, core                draak
[   45] The Realm of Hades, Pits of Tartarus             draak capitolina
[   45] The Rubiac Plain                                 seren nidari
[   45] The nightmare plane, The obsidian fortress and dark moon forestmorpheus inessa
[   45] The nightmare plane, The black mountains and the devastated villagemorpheus inessa
[   45] The nightmare plane, The temple of bones         morpheus inessa
[   45] The nightmare plane, The bloodfields and Shadowhaven Strongholdmorpheus myrel satyrus boreas
[   45] The nightmare plane, The upper caverns of tormentmorpheus jahmeir
[   45] The nightmare plane, The lower caverns of tormentmorpheus jahmeir
[   45] The Sea of Despair                               morpheus myrel lugh
[   45] Twisted Jungle of Foreboding                     morpheus jahmeir

The Realms of Light

At the cosmic apex are the planes of light. These include the home
worlds of angels, as well as nearby realms they have colonized.
These realms are usually hospitable to mortal life, but woe betide
those that offend the sensibilities of their inhabitants. These realms
are highly magical, as are the creatures live there.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   11] The Astral Plane of Air, lower                   shadowfax draak
[   28] Astral plane of air, wind tunnels                shadowfax emiko
[   34] Astral plane of air, white eternity              chance osiris shadowfax ancalagon
[   39] The angelic outpost, Astral Plane of Air         lynx shadowfax draak
[   39] The Great Vortex, Astral Plane of Air            draak shadowfax
[   39] Empyrean Caliphate, Astral Plane of Air          draak shadowfax
[   41] The Rolling Wilds, Crepuscula                    draak capitolina
[   41] The Valley of Sacerdotes, Crepuscula             draak
[   41] The Apiarch Hive, Crepuscula                     draak
[   45] The City of Fonts, Purnima                       draak
[   45] The Field of Fonts, Purnima                      draak
[   45] The Infernal Morass, Crepuscula                  morpheus draak virgo
[   45] The Razor Moraines, Crepuscula                   morpheus draak virgo

Outer Planar Realms

Whether on different planes of existence or simply exceedingly far away,
these 'outer planar regions' are accessible from various locations
on the world and may or may not be safe for mortals. Many of these
planes are home to elementals - alien creatures composed primarily of
a single substance.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   15] Winnowing Hall                                   shadowfax
[   24] Asgaard                                          vember
[   28] Outer planar ice world                           dentin
[   28] Fire World underground tunnels                   dentin skinny dowart buffboy
[   28] Biological engineering lab                       dentin
[   28] Dentin's Workshop Level 1: Creature Creation     shadowfax schlyne gandor
[   28] The Fire World of Khinzhai                       dentin morpheus inessa
[   28] Dentin's Workshop Level 4: Banquet Table         kagome
[   28] Dentin's Workshop Level 3: Kitchen and Underworksalessandra gorlak gamlin
[   28] Elemental plane of earth                         draak
[   28] Dentin's Workshop Level 2: Research and Developmentgandor shadowfax
[   34] The Challenge of Elements                        shadowfax chance osiris
[   34] The Dome Sea, Tlalocan                           draak
[   35] The Temple of Sand and Water, Tlalocan           draak dragonblade slingblade
[   35] Mirror world                                     brak
[   36] Chicomoztoc, the Place of Seven Caves            draak shadowfax
[   36] The world of Gaseous Gosades                     shadowfax
[   38] The Giant's Dream                                kagome
[   39] The Planar Knot observation platform             dentin
[   45] The Realm of Hades, Gates and Elysian Field      draak capitolina charis maxx
[   45] The Fathomless Bathysphere                       draak
[   45] The Realm of Hades, Asphodel Meadow              glorida draak capitolina

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