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Alter Aeon Areas - Complete List

This list of areas is provided by the Aozumi branch of the Ralnoth
Cartographers Guild.  Detailed maps of some of the more explored
areas are available from any Guild branch office, for a small
donation used only to help fund expeditions into the unknown.

Click here to show all areas.

The Island of Kordan

The island of Kordan lies west of the island of Archais, and is
suitable for low to mid level players between levels 10 and 20.
This is also a safe haven, and most new players who leave Sloe
go next to Kordan to continue their adventures.

 Level  Description                                      Creators
[   12] The old Indira ruins                             morpheus
[   12] Spider forest and bixies, combined instance      morpheus
[   12] The Grumditch and Kentwig copper mine            morpheus dentin
[   12] The Brown House                                  firebird
[   12] The Town of Indira                               dentin draak
[   12] The Indira Junkyard                              draak
[   12] The Eastern Indira Forest                        dentin morpheus inessa
[   13] The Holy Grove                                   c.a.w.
[   13] The Forgotten Muskeg                             draak mutt bladimir bacon scorge indigo
[   13] Gnomian Village                                  morpheus inessa dentin
[   13] Gnomian Village Mole Tunnels                     morpheus inessa dentin
[   13] Castle Ket                                       capitolina draak shadowfax
[   14] The Mad Alchemist's Castle                       brawn morpheus
[   14] The Indira School of Illusion                    dragonsinger dentin
[   14] Ancalador, the Stone Dragon                      c.a.w.
[   14] The Lost Outpost                                 tanthas dentin
[   14] The Cerulean Shore                               capitolina draak
[   15] Thalos graveyard catacombs                       c.a.w.
[   15] The New Thalos Graveyard                         astarte dentin morpheus
[   15] The Haunted Crypts                               coolbeans satirus 
[   15] Kordan haunted hills                             dentin
[   15] The Naphtali tower of Learning                   morpheus jahmeir
[   16] The city of New Thalos                           draak
[   16] The Kordwood, southern Kordan                    draak
[   16] The imp infested caverns                         jezrien
[   16] The underground city of Runn-Khal                morpheus
[   17] The Orc Village                                  prong
[   17] The giant beanstalk                              taran morpheus
[   17] Forest west of Naphtali                          draak
[   17] Island Kordan, town of Naphtali                  draak morpheus
[   17] Maze of the black minotaur                       morpheus Jahmeir
[   17] Catacombs below Naphtali                         wyvren morpheus
[   18] The Hidden Moogle Village                        morpheus
[   18] The Caves of Mendelius                           morpheus inessa dentin
[   18] Qoorik's Underground Lair                        morpheus inessa dentin
[   18] Island near Kordan                               gandor
[   19] Clearwater Beach                                 morpheus
[   19] Ancestral Island                                 morpheus
[   19] The northern Pleiad islands                      morpheus
[   19] The southern Pleiad islands                      morpheus
[   19] Village of Idlewood                              morpheus

41 area entries displayed.

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