Alter Aeon Areas - Complete List
This list of areas is provided by the Aozumi branch of the Ralnoth
Cartographers Guild. Detailed maps of some of the more explored
areas are available from any Guild branch office, for a small
donation used only to help fund expeditions into the unknown.
Click here to show all areas.
The Continent of Ramanek
The continent of Ramanek lies north of the mainland, and is known for
being sparsely inhabited and exceedingly dangerous. It is recommended that
only high levels visit.
Level Description Creators
[ 42] Village of Votara tarrant morpheus
[ 42] Grae Keep tarrant
[ 42] Northern mountains tarrant
[ 42] Village of Tarmor tarrant morpheus
[ 42] The Ramanek wasteland tarrant
[ 42] Wizard's Tomb tarrant
[ 42] Kithika the accursed city morpheus jahmeir meccano
[ 42] The Wyvinian Stronghold morpheus
[ 42] Underwater ruins, watery passages morpheus
[ 42] Underwater ruins, the lost city morpheus
[ 42] Underwater ruins, the lost kingdom morpheus
[ 42] Underwater ruins, the lost dungeons morpheus
[ 42] The Caverns of Charstal morpheus jahmeir
[ 42] The hidden valley of Erom Bhooj meccano jahmeir morpheus
[ 42] The mountain fortress of Erom Bhooj meccano jahmeir morpheus
[ 43] The Island of Seriphus morpheus
[ 43] Hidden passages under the Island of Seriphus morpheus inessa
[ 43] Port Crimsonia morpheus virgo tanthas inessa jezrien
[ 43] Subterranean ruins tarrant
[ 43] Subterranean ruins, buried city tarrant
[ 43] Subterranean ruins, guarded depths tarrant
[ 43] Subterranean ruins, inner sanctum tarrant
[ 43] The capital city of Airam, Marketplace and Castlemorpheus jahmeir boreas
[ 43] The Emerald City morpheus myrel
[ 43] Caves of Cirustal morpheus
[ 43] The capital city of Airam, Residential and Research Facilitymorpheus jahmeir boreas
26 area entries displayed.
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