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Prev Msg   - 2010 Aug  4 16:24 (lexie) fact 13131
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Date:    2010 Aug  4 16:26
To:      all
From:    terror
Subject: Fact #666
Fact #666:
Vivi (and his multis) is/are the most hated/ignored/asshole rated
player in the game currently, and in all of AA history.
Most of the changes in AA have come from exploits of Vivi, and/or his multis.
(or suggestions)
He has had many items named after him, and even dead mobs. There are even items
you can pickpocket, made for Vivi's 18th birthday. (yellow snow cones)
Demoncakes (19th, and 20th birthday), and red roses, blue roses, rooms named after
him, and all sorts of amazing things. Especially a great big IM FLAMING t-shirt.

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