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Next Msg - 2015 Jan 1 23:34 (scrooge) Carols part 2
Date: 2015 Jan 1 23:28
From: scrooge
Subject: Carols part 1
C1 christmas carol by Lexie
Gods rest ye anti-Dentin let nothing you dismay
We no longer celebrate each of his birthdays
Since Dentin turned 403 we've all become blasee
He's just old, older, oldest and that's all, we don't even call
He's just old, older, oldest and that's all
Gods rest ye anti-Dentin keep the factory online
Making us new mobs that we can murder every time
We kill them for the xp and we kill them while supine
We have fast waking and double attack, we stab in the back
We have fast waking and double attack
Gods rest ye anti-Dentin you shouldn't bat an eye
You can't complain if you have to compete with old Kenai
He didn't conquer A.A. and I'm sure then neither will I
It just never goes well for demons from hell, epic fail,
It just never works out for evil--end of tale.
C2 christmas carol by Lexie
Oh little town of Elborat how still we see the lights
We have an appointment with Z on the piers tonight
And in the streets so silent, we move quietly and sneak
We deliver goods, we get our pay, and we donate to squeak
C3 christmas carol Lexie
Joy to the mud our xp comes.
As gift and as mob kills
We get it for the fame, we get explorer points
Let the player base sing
Oh let the player base sing
Oh let the, yes let the, player base sing
C4 christmas carol by Lexie
Here comes a stone giant king on his own invasion
His forces encompass Ralnoth the whole damned giant nation
They're toating flaming axes and they're looking pretty pissy
Hope the players can stop this one, it looks to be messy
C5 christmas carol by Lexie
Deck the mobs with charge and parry
Falalalalala la la la la
They swarm us and that's really scary
Falalalala la la la la la
Don we now our mage cast level
Falalala lalala la la la
Level 53 web sends them to the devil
Falalalala la la la la la
C6 christmas carol by Lexie
I'm dreaming of a 2 clev item
Just like the ivory canes of yore
One with int and wis on't and one with cast abil points
To blast my enemies all gone
I'm dreaming of a two clev item
With every mudmail now I write
To Draak, Shadowfax, and like
To Mprheus, Dentin, so kind
C7 christmas carol by Lexie
There's a little necromancer there's a little necormancer
There's a little necromancer there
One with a clay man, one with a wood woad
Made from the way up stairs
Ghouls are feeding, necros bleeding, mobs are dying in the fight
Mummies cursing, vampires thirsting, let's have a blood sacrifice
C8 christmas carol by Lexie
Oh unholy knight
Of anti-Dentin wandering
It is your plight that makes everyone think
Oh unholy knight
Wandering over Ralnoth
Why don't you stop, get a girl, maybe get a drink.
Anti-Dentin doesn't give the best of paychecks
The preists of Dentin are known for slitting folks' necks
Get off the streets
Go to a guild bar man
Order you something strong and
Drink up and give up
Oh drink up and give up the fight
Drink up and give up
Drink up and give up the fight
C9 christmas carol by Lexie
Triggers spam ya
Triggers spam ya
Why must they idle in recall with triggers
Triggers spam ya triggers spam ya
Why can't they log out like a good person
Triggers spam ya triggers spam ya
C10 christmas carol by Lexie
I'm dreaming of an idle Christmas
With every advents gift I get
While I log in multies
And try to gull these
Shopkeepers into giving me more jobs
I"m dreaming of an idle Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the bots cast spell ups
And groups of fellas
Would retrieve corpses in the snow
I'm dreaming of an idle Christmas
With every board post that I write
May your gifts be useful and bright
And may you idle both Christmas day and night
C13 christmas carol by Lexie
Admins we have heard on chans Warning, moderating with bans Curbing player
exuberance But it's 3 in the morning here's our chance
Spam amamamam amamamam amamam all channels With group join requests
spam amamamam amamamamm amamam amamama all channels
That will be our jests
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