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Date:    2013 Nov  8 16:21
To:      all
From:    inessa
Subject: Halloween Costume Winners & Costumes
The winners for the morning was Owyn and Katarra.

Owyn-Egyptian Mummy
Complete with sickening touch and noxious cloud
head        - (unique)   the royal crown of Tut
neck        -            the ankh of life
neck        -            medical bandages
arms        - (rare)     medical bandages
wrist       - (rare)     hammered copper bracer
wrist       -            medical bandages
hands       -            medical bandages
finger      -            a bloody band-aid (glow)
finger      -            a copper ring
on body     - (unique)   medical bandages
about body  - (unique)   A bloody, tattered robe
waist       -            medical bandages
legs        -            medical bandages
feet        -            medical bandages
held        -            the royal ankh of the Pharoah (light)
weapon      - (rare)     a dead mouse
Owyn is obviously carrying:
the Book of the Dead
a ball of desert sand
a red soulstone
medical bandages
medical bandages

Katarra-Orc Berserker
head        -               a horned orc warhelm
neck        - (unique) THE Orcish Medal of Honor
neck        - (artifact) THE Orcish Medal of Honor
arms        -               orcish pauldrons
wrist       -                a berserker bracelet
wrist       -                a berserker bracelet
hands       - (unique) orc claw-gloves
finger      -               Gralin insignia
finger      - 
on body     -             a ring armor shirt
about body  -           a black orcish cloak
waist       -               a crude leather girdle
legs        -                berserker leggings
feet        -                 coyote paw boots
weapon      -            an orc greataxe

Evening Winners were Storm and Kiera.

Storm-Law Enforcer
head        -            an issue helmet
neck        -            an officer's badge
neck        -            an officer's badge
arms        - (rare)     copper officer's armguards
wrist       -            officers' insignia
wrist       - (unique)   officers' insignia
hands       -            hardened leather gloves
finger      -            a ring of defense (glow)
finger      -            a ring of defense (glow)
on body     -            a first officer's uniform
about body  - (unique)   a green sentry's cape
waist       - (unique)   a crude leather belt
legs        -            finely tailored black pants
feet        -            boots of patrolling
shield      -            the shield of aid
weapon      - (rare)     Nitestick
Storm is obviously carrying:
an unlimited black sack

Kiera-Punk Rocker
head        -            a neon pink wig
neck        - (unique)   a skull necklace
neck        - (rare)     a spiked collar (crystal)
arms        -            gold and ivory armlets (glow)
wrist       - (unique)   a spiked leather strap
wrist       - (unique)   a studded leather strap
hands       -            a pair of black lace gloves
finger      -            a flashy diamond ring
finger      -            a studded steel knuckle bracer
on body     -            a pink halter-top
about body  -            a gold-trimmed black feathered cape

waist       - (unique)   a studded leather belt
legs        -            really tight leather pants
feet        - (rare)     red-laced leather combat boots
weapon      - (unique)   A rock guitar of chaos and distruction (glow)

Congratulations to the winners!

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