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Prev Msg - 2010 Aug 2 10:29 (lokar) AA fact #548
Next Msg - 2010 Aug 2 10:50 (dentin) AA fact qpx-63
Date: 2010 Aug 2 10:44
From: dentin
Subject: AA fact qp-42
When Dentin and the alaska gods were thinking about a name for AA, nobody
had anything really catchy or good. Finally Dentin said, 'we should pick
something temporary that starts with an A so it shows up at the top of mud
lists'. Dragonsinger said something about 'aeon flux', and Dentin said 'we
would have to alter it, we cant just use aeon flux'. With that 'Alter
Aeon' was born as a temporary name until we could figure out something
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