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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Story Board

The story board has for the most part been replaced by other boards
throughout the game, and is kept primarily for historical archives.

All comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the views
of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.  Browse at your own risk.

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 Msg  Date              (from) Subject
 [ - earlier messages - ]

  17: Jan 29 02:47 (raa) aldrich's brush with a tree
  18: May 12 16:50 (beale) Evil Beware Part I
  19: May 12 16:52 (beale) Evil Beware Part II
  20: Jun 18 17:01 (beale) My origens, part I
  21: Jun 18 17:03 (beale) My origens, part II
  22: 2012 Apr 22 16:47 (rayquaza) coco's deaths, part 1
  23: 2012 Apr 23 16:41 (rayquaza) coco's deaths, part 2
  24: 2012 May 22 16:41 (rayquaza) coco's deaths, part 3
  25: 2012 Jun  4 03:54 (rayquaza) coco's deaths part 4
  26: 2012 Jun 12 09:01 (kagemaru) A PMD story to share
  27: 2012 Jun 15 19:19 (kagemaru) PMD story, part ii
  28: 2012 Jun 16 18:14 (kagemaru) PMD story part iii
  29: 2012 Jun 22 13:31 (kagemaru) PMD story, part iv
  30: 2014 Sep  4 01:52 (germs) solve for x
  31: 2014 Sep 13 15:05 (amberwillow) man scary stories
  32: 2015 Jan 30 15:11 (rosy) I'm trying to be a writer, I know I suck don't jud...
  33: 2016 Jan 26 20:47 (manuuk) Hari yang bahagiah
  34: 2016 Feb  4 00:18 (loxythus) Nda ada apa2 juga ba ini. Saja2 mau tulis sont...
  35: 2016 Apr 26 14:46 (moose) new elder policy changes in progress
  36: 2018 Mar  6 20:56 (mexi) Something.
  37: 2021 Sep 19 21:12 (asuka) Dreams do come true


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