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Prev Msg   - Aug  9 14:14 (darklord) death of a possum, part 2
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Date:    Aug  9 14:15
From:    darklord
Subject: death of a possum, part 3
<20hp 2mn 52mv>w
A backyard
Here is a place where many a fowl has fallen to the axe.  All of the obvious
tools for butchering livestock lie here behind the barn to the east.  A
disheveled tree stump sits under a black walnut tree for chopping off their
heads.  A noose hangs from one of the tree's branches for letting them bleed.
A cauldron sits over a fire ring for loosening the slain birds' feathers.  A
wooden table with a plexiglass top is here for plucking and gutting.  The
chickens can witness the death of their fellows from the fenced-in yard to
the north.  The rest of yard lies south and west.
It is night.

An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
An large goose charges through the underbrush, honking at you mercilessly.
A gray and white tabbycat sulks in the shadows.
[Exits: east west south southwest ]
<20hp 2mn 50mv>op door n

You open the chicken yard door.

<20hp 2mn 50mv>n
The chicken yard
This is a large area for foraging chickens.  It is completely enclosed to
protect them from both land and air predators.  The chickens access their
coop from a small door on the northwest corner of the barn.
It is night.

A dirty gray critter pokes around in the dirt.
[Exits: south ]
<20hp 2mn 48mv>cl door

You close the chicken yard door.

An opossum growls at you, warding you away.
<20hp 2mn 48mv>l possum
A pathetic marsupial of the lowest order, reminiscent of a giant rat.  Its
fur is coarse and gray, its eyes a dark gray, and its tail naked.  The lazy
creature has but one intention:  to kill your chickens instead of hunting in
the wild for food.  For that it must die.
an opossum is pretty hurt.

<20hp 2mn 48mv>grin

You grin evilly.

<20hp 2mn 48mv>b possum
an opossum screams in pain as you place a dull iron-headed spear in their back.
an opossum is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You kick an opossum in the back of neck, causing critical damage.
An opossum is DEAD!
You gain 2 experience.

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