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Prev Msg   - Feb 16 00:14 (arawn) Tim's Torture Part I
Next Msg   - Feb 16 00:17 (arawn) Tim's Torture Part III

Date:    Feb 16 00:15
From:    arawn
Subject: Tim's Torture Part II
A gigantic orcish warrior grunts at you and salutes.
An orcish soldier performs his guarding duties with military proficiency.
An orcish soldier performs his guarding duties with military proficiency.

Tim tells the group, 'dammit, animate my corpse'

You drop the corpse of Tim.

You dump everything out of the corpse of Tim.

You tell the group, 'tim how hard was this stuff for you to get?'

Tim tells the group, 'please animate my corpse and send it back'

You tell the group, 'oh i already dumped it'

You tell the group, 'i'll summon you in a bit'
Tim tells the group, 'wakt'

Tim tells the group, 'i thougt you promised not to domess me up'

You tell the group, 'tim did you even consider the orcs before you attacked them?'

Tim tells the group, 'nod, cons8der lies'

Tim tells the group, 'you told me they werent that tough'

You tell the group, 'i did not'

You tell the group, 'can i have your gold?'

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