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Prev Msg   - 2012 Apr 23 16:41 (rayquaza) coco's deaths, part 2
Next Msg   - 2012 Jun  4 03:54 (rayquaza) coco's deaths part 4

Date:    2012 May 22 16:41
To:      all
From:    rayquaza
Subject: coco's deaths, part 3
You tell the group, 'well lets get on with our xp run'
Ritz tells the group, 'ok i no how much u want 580k xp
You tell the group, 'shut up'
Ritz tells the group, 'LOL'
Riolu tells the group, 'don't tell a clanmate to shut up'
You tell the group, 'or what?'
Riolu tells the group, 'i'll feed ur cor to a rat'
You tell the group, 'too late virgo ressed m haha'
Riolu tells the group, 'we can go back 2 that dragon'
You tell the group, 'no don't'
Riolu tells the group, 'don't insult me or my clanmates'
You tell the group, 'ok i'll shut up'
Riolu tells the group, 'i know you will'
You tell Pegasus, 'harsh'
Virgo tells the group, 'ok where should we go rio?'
Riolu tells the group, 'idk u can pick virgie but if you can't find a good place
ritz can LOL'
You tell the group, 'yeah rofl*sarcasm*'

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