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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
Prev Msg - Mar 4 22:27 (firebird) Slayer sent this to me...
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Date: Mar 4 23:06
From: firebird
Subject: Lepracauns
This one is for Ranko, that babe!!!
This guy is in the bathroom taking a leak, and he noticies a little red
haired man come in. So the guy asks: Why in the world are you dressed
like that? The little man goes: Ah, laddy-I'm the world's last livin'
lepracaun', and the man that catches me gets three wishes.
So the guy reaches out and grabs the lepracaun and says: there-I caught
you The lepracaun says-well lad, that's not exactly fair-but I'm a man of me
word-you can have your three wishes.
The guy says well my car is a piece of junk, I could really use a new
car. The lepracaun says: laddy, go on down to the car dealer, trade in your
ride-n you'll get a deal on a new one.
The guy goes-wow, that's great-you know, I could really use a raise.
The lepracaun says, lad-go on down to work on the 'morrow-tell your boss
ya demand a raise, and you'll get it.
The guy says--all right, now for my third wish-i could really use a
bigger dick.
The lepracaun says: Well, lad-that'll cost ya a bit extra-ya see, I'm
sort of comin out of the closet, and I think you're a good lookin lad-so,
you'll have to bend over and let me have me way with ya.
So the guy thinks-well, what the hell-there's no one here, so he bends
over, and the lepracaun starts doin his thing, and asks-so laddy-how old be
ya? The guy says 25.
The lepracaun laughs and says, "25 years old, and still believin' in
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