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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Apr 13 22:43 (firebird) A Rabbi and a Priest
Next Msg   - Apr 24 20:57 (flint) baby joke

Date:    Apr 13 22:48
From:    firebird
Subject: I live in the South, and if you do you'll see the humor...

     The bartender was washing his glasses, when an elderly Irishman
came in.  With great difficulty, the Irishman hoisted his bad leg over
the barstool, pulled himself up painfully, and asked for a sip of Irish
whiskey.  The Irishman looked down the bar and said, "Is that Jesus down
there?"  The bartender nodded, so the Irishman told him to give Jesus an
Irish whiskey, too.

     The next patron to come in was an ailing Italian with a hunched back,
who moved very slow.  He shuffled up to the barstool and asked for a glass
of Chianti. He also looked down the bar and asked if that was Jesus sitting
at the end of the bar.  The bartender nodded, so the Italian said to give
Him a glass of Chianti, too.

     The third patron to enter the bar was a redneck, who swaggered into
the bar and hollered, "Barkeep, set me up a cold one!  Hey, is that God's
Boy down there?" The barkeep nodded, so the redneck told him to give Jesus
a cold one, too.

     As Jesus got up to leave, he walked over to the Irishman and touched
him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed!"  The Irishman felt the
strength come back to his leg, so he got up and danced a jig out the door.

     Jesus touched the Italian and said, "For your kindness, you are healed!"
The Italian felt his back straighten, so he raised his hands above his head
and did a flip out the door.

Jesus walked toward the redneck, but the redneck jumped back and exclaimed,
"Don't touch me! I'm drawing disability!"

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