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Prev Msg   - Feb 27 00:08 (firebird) Hillary Clinton, Hospitals and Bl...
Next Msg   - Feb 27 00:27 (firebird) Hey Look it's Caliban!!!

Date:    Feb 27 00:11
From:    firebird
Subject: Gay Chickens (intriguing ain't it?)

     There was an old, old rooster on this farm. Since the rooster was so
     old, it couldn't make it's "rounds" with all the chickens anymore. So
     the farmer bought this new, young rooster.

     One day the old rooster walked up to the young one and said: "Let me
     have my favorite chicken, please?".  But the young rooster wasn't
     about to give the old rooster any chicken "meat".

     So the old rooster, really wanting his favorite "chick", finally
     challenged the young rooster to a 100m run.  The only catch was that
     the old rooster would get a ten meter head start (this rooster was
     very old).

     The young rooster agreed and the next day the race began. The old
     rooster 10 metres ahead, all chickens were watching.

     On your marks .....
     Get set .....

     The old rooster ran and ran as fast as he could, but the young rooster
     was faster and catching up...
     80 m to go...9 m lead
     70 m to go...8 m lead
     The young rooster came closer and closer...
     50 m to go...6 m lead
     30 m to go...4 m lead
     The young one rooster was right on the old roosters tail with 5 meters
     to go...

     BANG!!!  A shot was fired from the farmers rifle..."Damn, this is the
     fifth gay rooster this week!" he said.

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