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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  3 22:04 (firebird) Tiger Woods
Next Msg   - Mar  3 22:19 (firebird) Philosophies

Date:    Mar  3 22:11
From:    firebird
Subject: Experienced Only May Apply

This one goes out to Narayan, thanks a lot.

     An Indian from a nearby reservation goes to a whorehouse and knocks on
the door.  When the madam answers, he says, "Me want woman!"

     The madam looks at him kind of funny and says, "You want a woman, huh?"

     He replies, "Yes.  Me want woman.  Me got money."

     "But do you have experience?" the madam asks.

     "Experience?" asked the Indian.

     "Have you done this before?"

     "No, but me want woman.  Me got money."

     The madam laughs and says, "I'll tell you what honey, you go out into
the forest over there and practice with the knotholes in those trees and
when you know what you're doing you come back and see me."

     So the Indian goes out into the forest and finds a knothole to get
experience with.  The next week he goes back to the whorehouse and
knocks on the door.  When the madam comes to the door he says, "Me want
woman.  Me got experience."

     So the madam sends him upstairs with on of the girls.  When they get
upstairs, the Indian tells her to take off her clothes and bend over.
When she does he takes out a 2x4 and smacks her on the ass.

     "What the hell did you do that for?" she exclaimed.

     "Checking for bees."

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