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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Feb 17 22:58 (firebird) Eternal Damnation is better than ...
Next Msg   - Feb 18 07:28 (druid) GThe complete Guide to Newbies

Date:    Feb 17 22:59
From:    firebird
Subject: Microsoft Choplifter
A helicopter was flying in Seattle when an electrical malfunction
suddenly disabled all of the aircraft's navigation and communication
systems. Due to cloud and haze the pilot was unable to determine the
course back to the airport. Somehow the helicopter came by a tall
building, started to circle it, drew a handwritten sign which he held to
the helicopters window. Where am I?, the sign said. The people in
the building responded quickly, drew a large sign which said: You are
in a helicopter!!

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to the
airport and landed safely. When they were back on the ground, the
co-pilot asked him how the You are in a helicopter! sign helped him
determine his position. The pilot responded: Well, with this answer I
knew it was the Microsoft building, because, similar to their help-lines, 
they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer!

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