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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
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Date: 2006 Dec 23 18:20
From: anya
Subject: up ur arse
two guys went on holiday
they were enjoying the weather and beer when they were kidnapped by savages and taken
to a woodland area
the savages gave them the choice: either they be killed or they both go in to the
woods and find 100 of the same fruit each
the guys agreed to pick the fruit
the first guy returns a while later with 100 grapes
the savages tell him to shove the grapes up his arse without laughing
so, the guy reaches about the 27th grape and begins laughing
the savages tell him to shut up and carry on
he reaches the 54th grape and starts laughing
the savages give him one last chance
he reaches the 98th grape and starts pissing himself
the savages tell him "ok, we will now kill you, but first, tell us what you were
laughing at"
the guy says, "i just saw my mate in the woods picking 100 pineapples"
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