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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  3 22:23 (firebird) Zachary Disease 
Next Msg   - Mar  4 22:27 (firebird) Slayer sent this to me...     

Date:    Mar  3 22:34
From:    firebird
Subject: Naive Little Scottish Girls

This one's for you Slayer...

A kilted Scotsman was walking down a country path after finishing off 
a considerable amount of whisky at a local pub.   As he staggered 
down the road,  he felt quite sleepy and decided to take a nap, with 
his back against a tree.
As he slept, two young lasses walked down the road and heard the 
Scotsman snoring loudly.  They saw him, and one said, "I've always 
wondered what a  Scotsman wears under his kilt."   She boldly walked 
over to the sleeping man, raised his kilt, and saw what nature had 
provided him at his birth.
Her friend said, "Well, he has solved a great mystery for us, now!  
He must be rewarded!"

So, she took a blue ribbon from her hair, and gently tied it around 
what nature had provided the Scotsman, and the two walked away.
Some time later, the Scotsman was awakened by the call of nature, and 
walked around to the other side of the tree to relieve himself. He 
raised his  kilt...and saw where the blue ribbon was tied. After 
several moments of  bewilderment, the Scotsman said...
 "I dinna know where y'been lad...but it's nice ta'know y'won first 

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