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Date: Feb 28 00:33
From: firebird
Subject: Alter Aeon's Biology
I'VE DONE IT!!! With Bruenor, Sailor, Lostsoul and Lloth as my witnesses
I have determined Alter Aeon's reason for existence. It goes a little sumtin'
like this...
Bruenor and Lloth is a controversial topic...are they two people? They
are and they aren't. Bruelloth is really ONE person with two personalities,
who are seperate and distinct. The personality that is Lloth is also Ranko,
Sailor and a whole slew of other people. The other one is Bruenor and Maxx,
since he is Maxx he's gotta be Draco, which in turn makes him kenai, which
leads to him being caliban, erzulie and basically the whole -K- Crowd. That
is, with the exception of laud, who is zeus, who used to be of clan Dragon,
and we all know that everyone in clan Dragon is Sauron...and we know who
Sauron is.
The gods? It's obvious that Vember, Squeak, and Heart are the same
person. Whoever it is tries to disguise it by logging them each on on
completely different schedules at completely random times...but I see a
method to their madness. Reorx...well Reorx is a living generalization, of
every newbie who ever logged on. Dancer, Xael, Fikh, Loki and all the other
long-gone gods are one, mud-destroying, hitchhiking, dentin-hugging, blood-
sucking, psychopath.
Where do I fit in? Well everyone knows that I'm a of those
stupid little annoyance mobs like that guy Dumbass who teleports around while
suffering from a crack addiction. I was just made by some god on a rainy day,
which god? It doesn't matter because they are all one person. I think it was
Dentin that did it though, so I guess that makes me dentin.
Remember Ranko...and how she was all those people? Well she's really just
a line of code that is used to detect bugs. Dentin wrote the code so I guess
that makes her dentin too...along with all those other people she is. Sauron
is really Dentin's mort, so that covers the other third of the mud, and Reorx
is just dentin when he was a newbie.
Ladies and Gentlemen...I have come to a startling conclusion...WE ARE ALL
Wait...that's not all. Everyone knows that Dentin isn't a real person...
he's a collective of parasitic hookworms that stole the brain of an programming
student. This would account for the rather strange behaviour from the brain...
after all it's dead and covered in hookworms. Hookworms are born in human
intestines...but WAIT! What else comes from Human Intestines? Digested Food!
and what does digested food become? TURDS, FOR CHRISSAKE, TURDS!!! We are
all a turd!!!!!!!!!!!!
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