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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
Prev Msg - Apr 4 15:52 (firebird) We've heard Clinton/Sex/Affair sh...
Next Msg - Apr 4 16:01 (firebird) Party in Vermont...Damn Canadians
Date: Apr 4 15:58
From: firebird
Subject: OJ Simpson, a little old but still good.
A guy is driving along the freeway in Los Angeles, and as he reaches
downtown, he finds himself in the middle of a massive traffic jam that
is blocking up five different freeways and sending lines of cars back for
miles in all directions.
After a while, he notices a guy walking from car to car down the freeway,
stopping and talking to people through their car windows. When the guy
reaches him he rolls down his window and says, "Hey! What's causing all
this delay?"
The guy on the freeways says, "Well, you're not going to believe this,
but OJ Simpson has sat down in the middle of the freeway intersection up
there, and he's totally distraught, and he says there's no way he can
ever pay the $35 million he owes the Goldmans and the Browns, and so he's
threatened to douse himself in gasoline and light himself on fire if people
don't give enough money to cover the cost of the judgment. So I've taken
up a collection to try to end the traffic jam."
"How much have you gotten so far."
"About ten gallons."
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