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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  6 19:09 (firebird) I Am the Very Model of a Modern T...
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Date:    Mar  6 19:16
From:    firebird
Subject: Why Cucumbers are Better Than Men...

1. Cucumbers stay hard for a week

2. I've never seen a cucumber under 8 inches.

3. A cucumber doesn't mind if you grab another cucumber.

4. You don't have to wash a cucumber before it tastes good.

5. A cucumber doesn't leave cold wet spots.

6. A cucumber never expects to "go Dutch".

7. When your cucumber spoils, you toss it.

8. Cucumbers don't leave stains.

9. You can have more than one cucumber a night, and not feel guilty.

10. You can have a cucumber in public.

11. Cucumbers don't care how long it takes you to come.

12. A cucumber is always ready when you are.

13. Cucumbers never have a backache.

14. A cucumber doesn't try to get even.

15. You can cut up a cucumber, without having to worry about going to 

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