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Prev Msg   - 2012 Sep 25 17:51 (wily) for the sick
Next Msg   - 2012 Sep 25 17:59 (wily) dirty doc

Date:    2012 Sep 25 17:54
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: excuses excuses
After a few days, the Lord called to Adam and said, "It is time for you and Eve to
begin the process of populating the earth so I want you to kiss her. " Adam answered,
"Yes Lord, but what is a 'kiss?' " So the Lord gave a brief description to Adam who
took Eve by the hand and took her to a nearby bush. A few minutes later, Adam emerged
and said, "Thank you Lord, that was enjoyable. " And the Lord replied, "Yes Adam,
I thought you might enjoy that and now I'd like you to caress Eve. " And Adam said,
 is a 'caress?'" So the Lord again gave Adam a brief description and Adam went behind
the bush with Eve. Quite a few minutes later, Adam returned, smiling, and said, "Lord,
that was even better than the kiss. " And the Lord said, "You've done well Adam.
And now I want you to make love to Eve. " And Adam asked, "What is 'make love' Lord?'"
So the Lord again gave Adam directions and Adam went again to Eve behind the bush,
but this time he reappeared in two seconds. And Adam said, "Lord, what is a 'headache?

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