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Prev Msg   - Feb 25 22:55 (firebird) I don't like the penis
Next Msg   - Feb 25 23:02 (firebird) Country Music

Date:    Feb 25 22:59
From:    firebird
Subject: The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan's Isle

The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan's Island theory is quite simple.
Each of the seven characters on the island represents each of the
seven deadly sins.  Now, this theory seems to fit upon initial
inspection, there are technical difficulties when you get down to THE
MAN himself, Gilligan.

Run with me on this one...

Most obvious is the Professor, who fits PRIDE to a T.  Any man who can
make a ham radio out of some wire and two coconuts has to be pretty
cocky.  (His character was later revised and given a series of his
own, called MacGuyver".)

For the sin of ENVY we need look no further than Maryann, who may have
worn those skimpy little tops, but could never achieve Ginger's
glamour.  (As an interesting and completely irrelevant side note, a
nationwide survey of college students a few years ago revealed that
the professor and Maryann were voted the most likely couple to have
'done it' on the island.)

And who could doubt for a moment that Ginger is LUSTincarnate?  Sure,
the kids were supposed to think she was ACTING, but we all know what
being deprived episode after episode was doing to her.  You know and I
know that glazed look wasn't boredom, my friends.

What kind of person takes a trunk full of money on a three-hour
cruise?  Mr Howell gets my vote for GREED.

We are now left with three characters and three Deadly Sins.  We have
Gilligan, the Skipper and Mrs Howell to whom we must match GLUTTONY,
SLOTH and ANGER.  As you can see, there is a Gilligan problem here.

Certainly we can further eliminate Mrs Howell from this equation by
connecting her with SLOTH.  She did absolutely nothing during her many
years on the island and everybody knows it.

This leaves ANGER and GLUTTONY, either of which the Skipper had no
shortage.  He was, after all, a big guy with the tendency to hit
Gilligan with his hat at least once an episode.  After much
consideration, I have decided that he can easily do double-duty,
covering the two remaining Deadly Sins.

So here we have the Seven Deadly Sins trapped in an endlessly
recurring Hell of hope followed by denial and despair, forced to live
with each other in our TVs until the last re-run ends.  And who is
their captor?  What keeps them trapped there?


Gilligan is SATAN.  Think about it.

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