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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
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Date: 2013 Dec 30 09:01
To: all
From: ritchhart
Subject: Whats wrong with This Clantell?
Thetruegamer tells the clan, so emrebaba will be founder?
Ritchhart tells the clan, Fridget/Azara is the one behind our ground strings
Ritchhart tells the clan, looks like it
Thetruegamer tells the clan, adn you know me antoha
Thetruegamer tells the clan, and
Thetruegamer tells the clan, also, ritchhart you wanna tell the good / sad / productive
inofficial news?
Ritchhart tells the clan, well antoha, Thetruegamer will be the one to take on the
new member to the ERa Elemental Republic of Alter Aeon
Thetruegamer tells the clan, which means
Ritchhart tells the clan, he will be the Commander of the new Clan, Lightning Fury
Thetruegamer tells the clan, nods.
Thetruegamer tells the clan, my wife will be the zap dragon
Fireprincess tells the clan, hi boys and girls. and... new person
Ritchhart tells the clan, and will link his base east of the base.
Thetruegamer tells the clan, I guess recall strings cost
Thetruegamer tells the clan, nope ritchhart
Thetruegamer tells the clan, the forest will connect with my base
Ritchhart tells the clan, ohh yeah. like, I think 1 mil gold or 100 credits
Ritchhart tells the clan, nod the forest
Thetruegamer tells the clan, wtf is wrong with dentin, his family, his dog and his
Thetruegamer tells the clan, roflmao
Ritchhart tells the clan, roflroflroflroflroflroflmfao
Thetruegamer tells the clan, dentin has restored you to full health.
Ritchhart tells the clan, that was just wow
Thetruegamer tells the clan, scared me big time
Ritchhart tells the clan, wtf is wrong with dentin, his family, his dog and his penis?
Thetruegamer tells the clan, roflmao
Ritchhart tells the clan, damnit
Thetruegamer tells the clan, what?
Ritchhart tells the clan, no restore
Ritchhart tells the clan, wtf is wrong with dentin, his family, his dog and his penis?
Thetruegamer tells the clan, I'm quite sure dentin is aware of the fact that I call
him penis sometimes.
Ritchhart tells the clan, come on damn it
Thetruegamer tells the clan, roflmao ritch
Ritchhart tells the clan, you yell, wtf is wrong with dentin, his family, his dog
and his penis?
Fireprincess tells the clan, just, lol
Thetruegamer tells the clan, any equipment of wear flag held for "the robot penis
of dentin's impending impotens"
Ritchhart tells the clan, you say, wtf is wrong with dentin, his family, his dog
and his penis?
Fireprincess tells the clan, roflrofl
Thetruegamer tells the clan, tell it to him
Thetruegamer tells the clan, lamo
Ritchhart tells the clan, Iceprincess!
Iceprincess tells the clan, haaaai
Thetruegamer tells the clan, or send a prayer to shadowfax
Thetruegamer tells the clan, snickers
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