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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
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Date: Aug 1 01:15
From: firebird
Subject: 21 things that should tell you you're lagged.
1. You enter about 20 commands, grab a soda, take a leak, then come
back to see if you killed anything or got anywhere.
2. Reading boards becomes a major ordeal.
3. You can't get commands through in time to save your clan from death
by dues.
4. You have to turn off color to see the who list.
5. Lag monster? HA! I've got his mom!
6. Quaffing blue potions? No way!
7. You're MOUSE cursor moves slowly.
8. You can't type who if more than three members of Clan Shadow are on.
(This one only makes sense to those from a ways back)
9. You get booted for lurking while TRYING to get dressed.
10. You're commands go through faster if you're disconnected.
11. You'd rather use AOL then bare your current connection.
12. You're computer reboots everytime you type more than five commands at
a time. (hrm...sounds too coincidental to be made up)
13. You're modem plays elevator music while you're "on hold".
14. Just like setting your browser to text only, you set your telnet
client to lower case letters only.
15. You have alt tags instead of ASCII art.
16. Freenet users can run circles around you.
17. You time out before your afk trigger goes through.
18. You'll never have to worry about spamming, thanks to that clever "spam
protection feature". Meaning your commands have about 10 min. between
19. You've ever caught yourself "willing" a command to go through.
20. Your 1960's dot matrix printer could print a log faster than it comes out.
21. Walking into the humor board room and looking at the board might as
well be connection suicide.
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