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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  1 14:17 (firebird) You Might Be a Redneck Jedi If...
Next Msg   - Mar  1 14:36 (firebird) Ears

Date:    Mar  1 14:21
From:    firebird
Subject: You know how I feel about these purple jokes...

There are these friends who play golf together every Saturday.  Well,
one Saturday they were getting ready to tee off when a guy, by himself,
asked them if he could join them.

The friends looked at each other and then looked at the man and said
"sure." So they teed off.

About two holes into the game, the friends got curious of what the lone
man did for a living.  So they asked him.  The stranger told them that he
was a hitman.

The friends kind of laughed.  The man said "no really, I am a hitman.
My gun is in my golf bag.  I carry it everywhere I go.  You can take a
look if you like."

So one of the guys decided he would.  He opened up the bag and sure
enough, there was this rifle with a huge scope on it.  He got all excited
about it. He said "WOW!  I bet I can see my house through here!  May I look?"
The stranger said "sure."

So the man looked for a second and said "YEAH!  You can!  I can even see
through my windows into my bedroom.  There's my wife, naked.  Isn't she
beutiful?  WAIT!  There's my next door neighbor!  He's naked too!"

This upset the man, so he asked the hitman how much it would be for a
hit.  The hit man replied "It's $1000 every time I pull the trigger."  The
man said "$1000, ouch!  Well, ok.  I want two hits.  I want you to shoot my
wife right in the mouth.  She is always nagging at me and I can't stand it.
Second, I want you to shoot my neighbor right in the dick, just for
screwing around with my wife."

The hit man agrees so he gears up and looks through the scope.  He's
looking for about 5 minutes.  Well, the man starts to get impatient and asks
the hitman what he is waiting for. The hitman replies "Hold on, I'm about to
save you a thousand."

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