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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2015 Jan 15 00:38 (steeler) 10 simtems of watching star w...
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Date:    2015 Jan 30 13:42
From:    nova
Subject: How to survive at my parents'
[treehouse] Nova: I'm at my parents'. My dad's dog won't stop humping my mom's cat,
my cat won't stop screaming like it's being butchered the tv is too loud the clock
won't stop bloody ticking like it's the bloody big ben and so help me God if my little
brother gets here in the middle of all this and starts his own little 1 man marching
band I'm going to shoot someone!
[treehouse] Guillermo: Step one.  Kick the dog
[treehouse] Guillermo: step 2: kill the cat
[treehouse] Guillermo: step 3:  Shatter the clock
[treehouse] Nova: step 4 throw out the tv step 5 shoot the brother step 6 get coffee.
[treehouse] Nova: step 7. Have husband kiss wife for job well done.

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