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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2012 Sep 25 18:23 (wily) Heavenly Hell
Next Msg   - 2012 Sep 25 18:35 (wily) Even more sign languages

Date:    2012 Sep 25 18:26
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: More sign language
A guy is driving out in the middle of nowhere, very lost. Finally he spots

2 houses so he goes up to the first house and looks in the door way. He
sees an old lady yanking on her boobs and an old man jerking off. He is so
freaked out that he goes to the next house and says "What's up with your
neighbors?" and the owner of the house says "Oh that's the Robinson's,
they're both deaf. She's telling him to go milk the cow and he's telling
her to go fuck herself!"

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