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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
Prev Msg - Mar 7 14:38 (firebird) Confucious say...
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Date: Mar 7 14:44
From: firebird
Subject: Is Your Family Dysfuncional?
This one is dedicated to ME, for the 1000000 coins I gave me.
1. ____ Conversations often begin with "Put the gun down, and then we
can talk".
2. ____ The school principal has your number on speed-dial.
3. ____ The cat is on Valium.
4. ____ People have trouble understanding your kids, because they
learned to speak through clenched teeth.
5. ____ You are trying to get your four-year-old to switch to decaf.
6. ____ The number of jobs held down by family members exceeds the
number of people in the family.
7. ____ No one has _time_ to wait for microwave TV dinners.
8. ____ "Family meetings" are often mediated by law enforcement
9. ____ You have to check your kid's day-timer to see if he can take
out the trash.
10.____ Maxwell House gives you industrial rates.
30 - a perfect score. Welcome to the neighborhood!
20-29 - You are doing reasonably well, but still have too little
going on in your life. Crank it up.
10-19 - You have mastered some of the aspects of the stress-filled
life, but still have a long way to go. Have you considered
a parallel career path?
0-9 - Enjoying all that extra time? What do you _do_ anyway?
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