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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar 18 04:44 (druid) YWords that dont exist but should
Next Msg   - Mar 29 06:38 (slayer) dead baby jokes

Date:    Mar 20 12:50
From:    druid
Subject: Family Fortunes Answers
Dunno if any of you American types have it but theres a game show
called 'Family fortunes' over here involving two teams of family
answering questions against each other. The questions are based on
surveys answered by 100 people and the team gets a score equal to the
number of people that said the answer they give. E.G. if the question
was Name a famous American president and 40 people answered Ronald
reagan and thats the answer the family give they get 40 points. So
the idea is to get the most popular answer.

Just to show how stupid us Brits are heres some of the answers given.

A famous Scotsman

An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers
A horse

A jacket potato topping

A food that can be brown or white

A sign of the zodiac

A job a working dog does

Something with a hole in it
A window

Something people might be allergic to

A type of great cat

A type of record
Floppy disc

Something associated with pigs
The police

A non-living object with legs
A plant

A domestic animal

Something red
My cardigan

A kind of ache

A food that can be easily eaten without chewing

Something you beat
An apple

A dangerous race (i.e. a motor race)
The Arabs

A number you have to memorise

Some famous brothers
Bonnie and Clyde

Something that floats in the bath

Something in the garden that's green
The shed

Something a blind man might use
A sword

Something you wear on the beach
A deckc

A famous cowboy
Buck  Rogers

An animal you might see at a zoo
A dog

A famous bridge
The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

A part of the body beginning with the letter N

Something you put on walls

Something you do in the bathroom

A famous Royal

Something slippery
A con

A way of cooking fish

A form of transport you can walk around in
My foot

A method of securing your home
Put the kettle on

Something you do before going to bed

Something a cat does
Goes to the toilet

An animal beginning with the letter B

The last thing you take off befo
re going to bed
Your feet

Something that makes you scream
A squirrel

Something you have with coffee
The Sunday Sport

A song with 'Moon' in the title
'Blue Suede Moon'

Something that flies that doesn't have an engine
A bicycle with wings

Something with a red light on it
A Dalek

Something you open other than a door
Your bowels

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