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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
Prev Msg - 2012 Sep 25 18:35 (wily) Even more sign languages
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Date: 2012 Sep 25 18:44
To: all
From: stewie
Subject: I'm usrprised little kids know the truth
A primary school teacher in the Bronx decided to see if city kids knew
say what?
if they knew the correct sounds.
"Who knows what sound a cow makes?" she asked.
Mary put her hand up and said, "Mooooo!"
"Very good," replied the teacher. "What sound does a sheep make?"
"Baaaa," answered Billy.
She continued this for a while. Then she asked, "What sound does a pig
All the hands in the class went up. She was surprised at the response.
She chose little Tyrone at the back of the class.
He stood up, took a deep breath, and screamed, "Up against the wall,
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